It didn't take Jack too long before he was almost finished with his work. Guess he had his dog traits to thank for that..

Along the way, Jack made a mistake and reached for his eraser, except instead of grabbing it he accidentally knocked it off the table, sending it down to the floor "-Ah, shoot." Jack stood up from his chair to search where his eraser had landed.


Jack heard a hum from the deer and turned to his direction.

Louis was bending down, picking up what seemed to be Jack's eraser. He sat back up and inspected it for a brief moment before turning his head to the labrador, "Is this yours?"

Jack nodded, "Y-yes."

"Here, catch," Louis lightly threw the eraser at Jack from his seat.

"...!!" Jack's tails stood up as his eyes locked on to the eraser flying in the air. He lunged forward and caught it before it touched the floor.

Louis could only watch what was unfolding before him in confusion, "What the-" before he could even comprehend what was happening Jack ran toward him, his tail behind him wagging excitedly. "W-what are you-!"

Jack shoved the eraser in his hand to Louis', "Here!"

Louis looked down at the eraser in his hand, up at the excited labrador, then back down to his hand, "Uhhh.."

Jack stood in front of Louis impatiently, as if waiting for the deer to do something.

It took another moment before Louis finally realized what Jack wanted. He read about this before once out of curiosity, "Um.. Good job..?"

As soon as the praise(?) came out of his mouth Jack beamed, his grin becoming wider while his tail wagged harder.

Even Louis can't resist but be infected by the labrador's joyous state, it caused his heart to feel light and warm. He even almost smiled.. almost.

It didn't last much longer though as Jack shook his head, snapping himself out of his current state. He gingerly took his eraser back from Louis' hand, "I-I'm so sorry! I.. I don't know what came over me and I just.. Sorry.." Jack's ears drooped as he apologized.

"No no, It's fine," Louis shook his hand dismissively. "It was my fault for saying catch and throwing that eraser anyway."

"Mm.." Jack nodded. "It's nice to finally talk to you."

"Huh, I guess this is our first time talking to each other.." Louis gave a small smile. "Well, the feeling's mutual." He said before turning back to his books, ending the conversation between them.

Jack walked back to his seat and sat down. He glanced back at the deer one last time before focusing back on his assignments.


"Another week and another batch of homework.." Jack sighed.

Legosi let Kabu climb to his other arm before speaking, "Another library visit then?"

Jack groaned, "Yup, it's becoming a habit... Compiling all my work into one giant pile to do at the weekend in the morning."

"Do it little by little then."

"Pfft, I'm too lazy to do that."

"Heh, you are," Legosi put his pet beetle back into his cage. "But knowing you, you'll probably finish those in an hour or so anyway."

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