Chapter 37

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Su Xiangwan stood at the side with a faint expression on her face, she slowly curled up her lips.

In her previous life, Su Zhiguo also just happened to come back. However, Su Yufei happened to see him first and complained even though she was at fault, this lead to Su Xiangwan suffer from a slap across the face for nothing.

But this time, the heavens were watching.

Because of the lesson she learned in her previous life, she had been keeping an eye on the main door. But she didn't actually expect for Su Zhiguo to actually appear.

So when she fell, she deliberately adjusted her direction so that Su Yufei had her back to the door.

This way, what she said would go straight into Su Zhiguo's ears. This was even more convincing than her telling him what was happening.

"Father... I was just talking nonsense to annoy my sister, she was about to hit me for a dog..."

"Hit you? Hit you where? Do you think I'm muddled to the point where my vision's blurred like an old man's?"

"Father... I didn't... don't listen to my sister's nonsense, I..."


Su Zhiguo raised his hand and slapped Su Yufei hard across the face. "Did your sister say one word? Shut your mouth! Even until now you're full of nonsense. If I didn't see this with my own eyes, who knows how much you would intend to distort the truth?!"

Su Yufei staggered back from the slap and fell to the ground. Her face was burning, even her ears were buzzing.

"Father... you hit me... you never hit me before..."Su Yufei's tears fell heavily, she held her cheek in disbelief.

"Hmph, get back in and face the wall to ponder about your misdeeds, don't go to school either! Stay at home and face the wall for a month. Starting from today, don't even think about getting a single cent of money!" Su Zhiguo was furious as he left.

After he was gone, Su Xiangwan strode over to Su Yufei and said softly, "Oh, it seems that you'll need to depend on yourself now."

Su Yufei glared at her, her appearance with her disheveled hair made her appear to be quite malevolent. "Su Xiangwan, you did this on purpose, didn't you?! You saw father outside and you deliberately tempted me to say those things!"

Su Xiangwan's gaze was apathetic as she curled up her lips. "That's right, I did that on purpose. But if you didn't have any ill thoughts to begin with, then how would you be tempted by me?"

"So you fell down by yourself as well! You did that just to frame me!"

"Yes, I did fall down myself. But... so what? If it's just these kinds of tricks, I'm sure you and Liu Yuerong have used heaps of them." Su Xiangwan's eyes flashed coldly. "Now, it's time for you to have a taste of what it's like!"

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Su Yufei was going mad with anger, she never expected herself to be set up by Su Xiangwan.

She crawled up from the ground and threw herself at Su Xiangwan. Er Bing leaped up from Su Xiangwan's arms and bit hard onto Su Yufei's calf.

"Ow!! Get lost you brute!"

A series of heart-wrenching screams came from within the villa's yard. Because Er Bing was bearing a grudge to begin with, this bite of his didn't show any mercy at all.

Upon fearing that Er Bing would get the worse of it, Su Xiangwan quickly called him back. After looking at Su Yufei, she sneered. "the heavens are watching Su Yufei, the future is long for us."


After Su Xiangwan carried Er Bing back to her room, she first treated his wounds.

Fortunately, she returned at the right time and Er Bing's wounds weren't too severe, it was just his wounds from the last time that opened up a bit.

After bandaging him up, Su Xiangwan hummed a tune while she treated her own knee.

Although she received some injuries, when she thought back to the slap Su Yufei suffered, she felt overjoyed.

It really was karma, appropriate retribution.

In the past, Su Yufei always pretended to be the innocent one, and Su Xiangwan had always suffered the most. This time, it was finally her turn, she had her taste what it feels like!

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