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Third POV

It the next morning as Isabell is by Yn side waiting for him to wake up as she clings by him that until Yn sprung up

Yn:what the hell happened I'm thought I was died

Isabell:so you finally up you hade mr worried about you

Yn:Isabell what the hell happened i had a spear of some sort impaired through my body last night

Isabell:calm down everything will be explained after school know get dressed

Yn:I'm still mad at you for ditching me

Isabell:I know but just dress for school I'm sure that you will forgive me

As you both got dressed for school and after you both you got dress you make the both of you some breakfast as you head to school as you two head to your classes and all through the day only one thing have been on your mind how are you alive and why dose your arm kinda hurts after the final bells rings you meet Isabell outside of the school

Yn:okay how are going to explain what happened

Isabell:follow me

As you follow her to orc as you stand outside of it

Yn:why are we outside the ORC

Isabell:you see

As you two enter the club and in that area it was kiba,ankeo,Asia,kenko there

Risa:you must be have a lot of question


Risa:well it simple you did die but I brought you back you as a devil

Yn:wait so you supposed for me to believe that

But that is when they all sprout there wings as the retract them as you are lest speech less

Rias:do you believe us know

Yn:I got to so Isabell is this why that you constantly blow me off

As she nods her heads

You hugged her and kiss her

Isabell:does this mean

Yn:yeah I forgive you so what do you guys do around he some demos and cause chaos.

Rias:to contrary belief we do none of that in fact we just help keep balance between the three fraction the demons,Angel,and the fallen angel. Fallen angel are angel that are corrupted. As the person who killed you was after you sacred gear.

Yn:what know

Rias:a scared gear abilities granted by god upon humans just like Isabell and kiba they were trying to take it from you.

Yn:so that why they were after me I'm still confused on how you bout me back to life.

Risa:that easy I made you part of my peerage I had to use my last piece which was a king.

Yn:what is a peerage

Risa:basically you are my chest pieces and serve me

Yn:I can't be he happy knowing that I have to serve someone but I'm happy to serve the one that saved my life.

Rias: I'm very happy to here that from you. Also we also have to me clients most just want company and some wants some odd jobs done do you understand

Yn:yes I understand

Rias:great your first assignment will be one later on tonight


आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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Female issei x male reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें