Chapter 2-The Arrival Of A King

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I know this chapter is long, but please bear with me.

"Ok, so students, we have a transfer student today. Please come in." the classroom teacher, Mr. Yoshinaga said.

The door opened and a white haired boy with red eyes, a barcode under his eye came in. He had a mischievous smile playing on his lips, and seeing him, the girls almost fell down  from their chairs. Soraru immediately knew who this was. This boy was Mafumafu, one of the most popular utaites ever. His live tickets always got sold out as quickly as lightning, and his albums sold like hotcakes. Soraru had never listened to his songs though (mostly because he was too lazy to), but he knew that Mafumafu was quite something.

The boys in the class threw him hateful glances, but Mafumafu didn't seem to notice. He smiled at the class and started his introduction,"Hello everyone, my name is Mafumafu, I hope we get along from today on! I want to make friends here, so I hope everyone accepts me as one of them! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." He said sweetly, and hearing his voice, every girl burst into frenzy. They screamed "MAFUMAFU SAMAA" at the top of their lungs and Mafumafu waved at each one of them, giving a smile to them, which made them fall down.

"Mafumafu san, please sit there." Yoshinaga sensei said, pointing to the seat beside Soraru. Mafumafu smiled and nodded, and settled himself on the seat beside Soraru.

Mafumafu said nothing at all, and seemed quite shy, although his introduction had made him seem to be quite the social one. He would shyly speak to someone, and then that person  would fall over, if it was a girl, and if it was a guy, they would glare at him. Mafumafu tried to talk to other utaites, but they were all busy doing their own stuff. Finally, Soraru spoke to him.

"Hey, Mafumafu. I'm Soraru. Wanna join our friend group? We're an utaites only group, by the way." Soraru said, his words coming out slowly. He was tired, really tired, and he could barely say anything. He was surprised he had been able to say anything to Mafumafu.

"Uhh... really? I can?" Mafumafu asked and to this, Soraru nodded. Mafumafu smiled in happiness, his shyness taken over by a new spirit of wanting to be good friends with him."Nice to meet you, Soraru san! I hope we can get along!" Mafumafu said brightly.

Soraru just nodded, words not coming out from his mouth (he was extremely tired). He had just made a new friend, and that too, the king of utaites. Great. It was because of these abnormal friends that he couldn't get into the normal class. Shima had come flying in a jet and crashed into the classroom, Urata had had a normal entry, Sakata had been eating while introducing himself and Senra had used a microphone to silence everyone and to supposedly make his voice the loudest. Urata and Soraru did not get to be in the normal class because of the abnormal people, and Soraru had just made friends with the king of utaite. He imagined how much Urata would scold him, and sighed. He had done nothing but sigh as of late. He sighed.
It was nothing like what he had imagined. Urata had scolded him, yes, but then said that though he was called the king of utaite, Mafumafu was fairly normal so it was okay. Soraru sighed. He had been worried for nothing. Mafumafu and Amatsuki got along the most, them relating a lot over various things.
Soraru was almost out of the school premises, and on the way back home, when a familiar voice stopped him. He headed in the direction of that voice, and found Mafumafu on the ground, injured, with juice all over his head. He was crying, his once happy face now a sight of sorrow. There were two boys, laughing at him.

"You utaites think you're the best and can get any girl. Well, guess what, NO! You're all stupid, arrogant heads who've got it super easy. You think you're special, but you're not. Your stupid luck is why you're where you are. Let me tell you the harsh reality- you are nothing. All those girls who like you now, like you for your voice, which is the only thing that helped you make it this far. They don't like you for who you are, nor do they care about you. A king? Hah! All I see in front of me is a pathetic loser!" one of the boys said, and hearing this, Mafumafu's glistening eyes began to brim with tears. He sniffed and tried to run, but the boys caught him and attempted to land another punch on his face.

"I think that's enough. Mafumafu came this far because of his hard work and determination. Stop doing this." Soraru stepped forward, stopping the punch right before it landed on Mafumafu's face.

"Oho, it's the utaite in shining armour. Stay out of this, Soraru. I'll make you regret stepping in between." one of the boys said. He was the one who had said such horrible things to Mafumafu. Soraru recognized him as Kentaro, and the other boy was his best friend Ryuuichi.

"Mafumafu didn't do anything bad to you. You don't have any reason to beat him up." Soraru tried to reason with them, but Kentaro ignored him. Right before Kentaro could land a punch on Soraru, he was stopped by Urata. Sakata, Shima, Senra and Amatsuki also stepped put from behind him.

"I thought about why Soraru san would suddenly go into this abandoned part of the school premises, and see that he is going to be punched right in the face, with a crying Mafumafu behind him. I don't know if this is your guys pastime, but UraShimaSakataSen is here, and we won't let you do anything to our friends!" Shima said, doing a strange fancy pose.

"Ummm... I'm also here..." Amatsuki said from behind, but Shima didn't reply to him.

Seeing so many people, and realising that their numbers were lesser, Kentaro and Ryuuichi ran away. Soraru helped Mafumafu back up.

"They say kings always get targeted in both real life and chess, this is the first time I've ever seen it happening." Urata said and to this, Soraru had to agree.

"You two look so perfect together! Why don't you make a unit?" Sakata suggested.

"Mafumafu. Wanna make a unit with me?" Soraru asked, and Mafumafu nodded. He smiled at him, and Mafumafu, rubbing his tears in his sleeves, smiled back.

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