Nikki Sixx

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"What the fuck mom!" I yelled after she hit me.
"Ya you fucking deserve it you whore! You can't go behind my back like that and trash my house!" She fought back
"Mom for the last time I'm  not the one who trashed this place! Maybe ask dad about the party he had last night when you weren't here!" I screamed
"Your father wouldn't trash my place! You know what if you trash my place I'll trash yours!!" She went into my room and threw my records on the floor and absolutely trashed my room. There wasn't a spot where the floor was visible under everything. All this because she thought I had a party which I didn't. She then walked away calling me a whore and a slut. She went into the basement and locked the door. I went into my room and grabbed a bag. I packed clothes and stuff I thought I needed. I threw on baggy jeans a crop top and a flannel.  I then snuck out of the house and into the street. I wasn't sure when I'd be returning home or if I ever was. I had been walking for about ten minutes when I ran into a tall figure.
"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get in your way." I said. I looked up to see a handsome guy about my age. He had long black hair and dark eyes.
"Hey your fine. You don't look to hot though. You don't seem like the kinda person to run away from home." He said "the names Nikki." He introduced himself
"I- how'd you know I ran away." I replied
"I can tell by your bag and the fact that you seem pretty fuckin stressed. I've ran away a few times myself."
"Oh, well I'm y/n."
"Nice to meet ye y/n. What're ya running away for!" He asked
"Well my mom thought I had a party without telling her so she hit me and gave me a bloody nose and all these bruises. She also went into my room and trashed it. She broke a few of my records too. She also said I was a slut." I laughed
"Wow." He replied
I hung out with him for the rest of the day and he insisted I stay with him for the night. He also insisted I take his bed and he would sleep on the floor.
I woke up in the morning to the smell of bacon and whiskey. I quickly got ready and headed for the door.
"Where ye goin?" Nikki asked
"Well I've been here long enough and I have plenty of money so I can stay at a motel."
"Your not stayin at those skanky ass hotels. I'm perfectly fine having you here and I live alone so it'll just be us two."
"Ok but let me at least go for now! I'll be back I swear."
I had been out all day just wandering around and such when I got caught in a huge rainstorm. It was coming down so hair I couldn't see five feet in front of me. I walked through the rain until I found a bus stop and waited under there. I had been waiting for about an hour and it started to get dark. I heard yelling from someone.
"Y/N!" I thought I was hearing things until someone found me at the bus stop.
"Omg there you are! I've been looking for you. I was hoping you wouldn't get caught in the rain." Nikki said
We both decided to wait until the rain passed. We were sitting on the wet concrete just enjoying the others presence.
"Ye single?" He asked
"Yeah why?"
"Well I kinda like ya that's all."
I smiled and looked at him. He pulled me into a wet kiss. He tasted of alcohol and candy, a surprisingly nice mixture. His tongue explored all areas of my mouth. He soon pulled apart and we quickly walked back to his place. I quickly showered and so did he. We then watched a movie but he got antsy and bored. I soon found myself making out with him again. It was just so pleasant. He made me feel so safe and warm. Every day after that I would visit him. We never labeled things but we both had obvious feelings for eachother. Even his friends would point it out. Especially Tommy. I eventually got back to my mom, we still argued often but I eventually moved out and in with Nikki.
Idk if this was any good it was really rushed. Dm me requests!

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