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Mirror, oh Mirror, tell me which university to choose

After high school, living a sheltered life at our parents' house is over. It's time to go to university and become independent. Like her peers, Aura, a teenager with high expectations, had just passed her final exams, had graduated, and the moment had come for her to prepare her next step in life. What course to choose, where to study, how much to budget for... The first weeks were a bit uncertain, but she was bubbling and thrilled with expectation. Whenever she had to choose something or hesitated about making a decision, she had this funny mental mechanism that helped her to focus and think clearly. It was like counting to three before making that decision. She called it: "the tick tock option".

Aura's parents tried to convince her to choose a university in their town. Louis and Carolina were not ready to let her go. They would have preferred to keep their baby close to them. ...

Why don't you go to YuEl? It's in our town, you get to stay home and we can still see you often.No way. I'm 17 now and I'm so leaving home!

"Tick, Tock, Where should I go?"

Just the idea of not being able to travel to new horizons gave her the chills. At that age, one is full of passions, dreams and ready to take on the world.

She was determined to fly on her own and experience exciting adventures. Well, she wasn't going to be disappointed.

In spite of her excellent grades, she didn't get the scholarship to attend the prestigious world-class University she dreamt of. Although they were the successful owners of a prosperous bakery, her family couldn't afford to send her to study abroad to the university she preferred so she had to settle for a well-reputed one in a bigger city. It wasn't the ideal choice, but well, it was still moving out of the nest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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