chapter two - jay

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I race through the streets, a grin on my face as I run away from the deadliest gang in the city- the Kutthroats, creative name, I know. I've been stuck here for so long; I'm starting to get bored. So I stole the ring right off the fingers of the leader of the most feared gang on the planet. It wasn't hard since they're all so cocky. But now I have a problem. There's five steroid-powered dudes chasing me. I swish my tail and the armoured tip of it send the first one flying as he tries to grab me. I leap on top of a balcony and the rest try to scramble up and I run along the balconies, higher and higher until I get to the roof. Once I'm up there, I slide from rooftop to rooftop, using my tail to balance on electrical wires. Two fall behind. Three down, two to go. I swing along the wire, and flip onto a roof. One down. I leap off the top of the rooftop, just as I feel a hand grab the soft, thin fabric that I wear over an old shirt based on one from the early 21st century. It's old, but quite nice. When I'm falling, it seems to last forever, I spot a particularly attractive young woman standing out from the crowd. She's about my age, and has very short dark hair and a loud outfit. She's wearing a graphic tee- like mine, and a gold choker. She has holographic jeans on and black boots. She pulls on a bright red leather jacket and starts walking along. I activate my anti-grav boots and move out of the way so the last goon tumbles down and gets caught in someone's laundry. Hah. I deactivate the boots and land right in front of the girl I saw. She raises an eyebrow and I flick back my short black hair, grinning.

"What's your deal, sheep-kid?" I grin my signature grin and kiss her hand like the ancient gentlemen of the past. I notice she has gold and black nails that are reasonably sharp. She raises an eyebrow yet again.

"Your date, if you like." I wink.

"" she starts walking again. I notice the red hearts painted onto her boots.

"Hey wait!" I follow after her, running backwards beside her. "At least give me your Space-Gram?"

"fine." I see her eyes flick, indicating she's navigating the hologram contact lenses that you can get for 10 credits a pair literally anywhere. They're basic, but useful. The more expensive projectors cost a lot more, and can render VR. A message pops up in my contacts to tell me she's trying to contact me.

"thank you, lovely lady." I bow and look up to see if she's impressed or at least amused. But she's gone. I look to my left then my right, and spot her darting through the crowd. I follow after her, using my tail to gain speed. I push past a few people and continue following her as she keeps disappearing through the crowd, and I use up a lot of energy just keeping up with her. She stops at a small alleyway so I follow her down it. She starts running. I flex my tail and the flaps of skin on my tail tighten into a small wing-looking arrangement. I glad my backpack and pull the sides to get a glider out. I leap onto the nearest balcony and run along to the end of the building and leap. I can see the girl running down to the shipyard. I almost miss a balcony and stumble along to the next. I slide down the wall and onto the concrete of the market. It's covered in a thick layer of dust, but you can see it if you scuffle your feet a little. I walk among the different ships, looking for the girl, but hear a lot of noise coming from the quadrant around the corner. I quickly drop to a crouch and sneak along until I can get a clear view of what's going on. There's a girl, a little younger than me, nineteen maybe, holding a raised baseball bat in her hands. Her hair is messy and spiky. She has a crazed, scared look in her eyes as she spots me. I stand up and wave. She visibly relaxes and lowers the bat. She makes a move toward the inside of her ship but pauses to look at me.

Then blows a raspberry.

this chapter is kinda short but then again the book is a work in progress to it will be changed along the way- when its completed I recommend reading it all the way through again :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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