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(Liam's POV )

Today's the day. The day we graduate.

"Li,you ready?" Zayn asked and I nodded.

Let's just say I now have 4 and a half months to go. But Zayn and I wanted it to be a surprise, so we decided to keep the babies gender a secret!

"Zayn Malik" the principal called and he went on the stage, shook hands, took his deploma and stood with the others as more names we called.

"Liam Payne" yay.

I got up there and shook peoples hands and toon my deploma and stood with the others as the final names were called.

"And tonight we have Liam Payne giving the graduation speech." Mrs.Thompsan said and I walked to the mic

"Hello fellow classmates. We have been on out journey through Elementary, the struggle with Junior High and the struggles in hell with High School" I got a few laughs

"But we gather here today, in this church to honor the one who graduated. Guys We Passed!" Few more laughs and victory cheers from students "but we also have to remember this our final week at that school and we have to make it count. Take risks. Dare yourself to do the unordinary. Be someone special. Leave your mark. And please don't vandalize the school or people while you do it. The biggest risk I've taken this school year as a new student was dating Zayn Malik. People told me he was bad news but I decided against it and went with his flow. Now, we're getting married, and having a baby. Who new" I got cheers from the students and squeals from the girls and clapping from the parents and teachers. "And that pretty much sums up my speech besides. It might have been rough, and bumpy along the way, but we still made it here, were we stand today" I finished and bowed as people gave me a standing novation. We all left the stage and to the football field were we were gonna celebrate before people left.

"And this is the class of 2015!!" The principal yelled into the mic and we trew our hats up in the air.

Zayn found me and hugged me then kissed me.

"I did it Li"

"No, we did it Zaynie!" I smiled and he smiled back kissing me

Best Day Ever!!

A/n: short but affective!! So they graduated and the next chapter will be the move in of Liam Payne and flat hunting!! How's the 3rd book so far? Let me know in the comments!! Bye My Lovelies!!

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