funny story includes madea and Ashton Irwin

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Ashton and you finally got of the long flight from Australia to Atlanta, Georgia. You were really nervous about Ashton meeting your Aunt Madea, cause you were the complete opposite from her and the rest of your family. You meet Ashton while modeling in Europe, while your family wanted you to work at the family restaurant, you decided to follow your dreams of becoming a model. Which they didn't really support that idea. Anyways Ashton and you grabbed your luggage, and y'all went outside to wait on your Aunt Madea. Of course Madea was 30 minutes late... "Sorry about my Aunt, Ashton, " you apologized. "No. Its fine. I'm just really excited to meet the her," he said wrapping his arm around your shoulders. After talking for a while the smell of smoke filled the air. Pulling in the airplane pickup line was your Aunt Madea. Of course she parked in handy cap, so she could be closer. She waved at you, she tried rolling down the musty window, it wouldn't roll down. So she stood up at yelled out the top of the sunroof, " (Y/N), Helloorrr welcome to Atlanta, Georgiarrr," she said to Ashton and you, pretty much everyone outside. The chuncky security lady screamed at Madea, she said, " Excuse me, Mam, please move your vehicle out of handicap." I wish that lady didn't do that. Madea responded saying, "listen, Lil gurll, I don't need you to be hollering at me like I'm death. I'm old as hell. I don't need to be parking way on the other side of Mexico Cities trying to be picking up these childrens," she yelled motioning to Ashton and I. "Mam,"  I said. " We will move,  I'm sorry," you apologized helping Ashton with the luggage.

"Madea, I really did miss you and the family. How is every one?... Oh how's Uncle Fred. I heard he suffers from heart attacks," I said to break the ice. "Haha," she laughed. "Lil girl, he died. Yep, he was sitting at Krispy Kreme drive thru , and just died in line." "Oh, that sucks," said halfway laughing Ashton. "Anyways the family is still doing good. Still broke and happy. Too bad Uncle Joe still breathing... I'm just trying to get that insurance money," said Madea laughing. "Madea, that's great to hear," I said.  "Well," Madea said. "Well what," I responded. "Hell, who is this boy with the tight ass jeans on cutting of his circulatins," Madea said. "That's my boyfriend, Ashy," I answered cutely. "Ugh niceca (nice) to meet you, Ashy... Ashhy toes," Madea said. "Nice to meet you to, Mrs. Mandela," Ashton said. "Hunny, it ain't Mandela its MA-DEA, if the police is looking for me its Cora Simmons," she said jokingly. "So where are you from, Ashtons, " said Madea. "I'm from Australia," Ashton answered. "Oh when you get back tell to Australia tell the queen I said, hellorr, and the kola bears and kangaroossa (kangaroo)," she said. We finally got back to the house. Ashton and I grabbed our luggage out the car and walked up the  dirty pebbled path. Ten minutes later Madea finally found the right keys we walked in. Madea fixed all kind southern foods. Ashton enjoyed every bit of it! "Mrs. Mandela, you sure can cook," said Ashton. "Son, I'm not gonna tell you again... Its MAD-EA! (Y/N), this boy is just skin and bones. Do you not cook for him?" Madea said jokingly. "Matter of fact... I do maybe not southern food, but I cook fried bananas and fish," you explained. "Honey, men don't like that food them Veganterians (vegetarians) be eatings. Men eat like meat.! That why all them little fast boys prefers the breastas (breast) and the laggs (legs), said Madea. After talking for a while, night time approached. "Jesus... It's almost eleven o' clocks, y'all get on up there and shower, said Madea. Ashton and I brought our bags upstairs and took turns using the guest room shower. I wore the usual, white lace bra and panties with an oversized white tee shirt to cover myself, Ashton wore his black boxers. We both laid in bed until Madea walked in. "What the hell! Oh lord, forgive me Lort (Lord) for cussing , but y'all ain't sharing a bed. (Y/N), you can sleep in Cora's old room," said Madea. "Well okay, but how will I talk to him?," you asked sarcastically. "Hold on," said Madea. She walked in with two walkie talkies. "Press this button here and y'all can pretend y'alls at summer camp," Madea laughed. As you got up Madea, looked at Ashton and yours pajamas. "Hell ,"she said. "Y'all we're gonna conceive tonight. Y'all look like a Victoria Sercrets and Calvin Kleaners (Klein) models. I can tell you this Calvin Kleaners tonight Victoria is gonna be keeping that secret away from you," she said to Ashton and you. You walked into Cora's room and laid in bed. The walkie talkie began to page you. "Hey," said Ashton. "Hey," you said back. "Can I ask you something?," he asked. "Anything," you answered. "Can I sing to you," he said. "Of course," you said immediately. Ashton did this every nigh since you guys started dating. Not even a minute into the song, Madea interrupted. "Is you taking song request," she said to Ashton. "Yes, mam," said Ashton. "Sing, "Born by The River,"yelled Madea. As Ashton sung, I sat and began thinking about our future together. He must really loved you, cause the last guy you dated left after 2 minutes of meeting Madea. You thought to yourself, He's a keeper!

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