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(The six are sleeping)

Beep:(yawns) what a beautiful day!
(She hears a rustle in the leaves)( she wanders to the bushes to check what it was)

Beep: hello?

Cadence:gahhh!!! You!! (Grabs Beeps shirt)
Did you take something that belongs to me!?

Beep: woah! Hey please im innocent i didnt take anything except a talking mirror who is a mirror prisoner and now free named Xia!!

Cadence: wait!? Who know her!? Where is she!?

Beep: umm sleeping?

Bo:Beep! Where are u?

Bang:oh there you are Beep!!

Xia: Beep we thought we lost-- you...

(Cadence and Xia makes an eyecontact)

Cadence: X-Xia?

Xia: (runs to her) CADENCCCEEEE!!!!!!( Hugs her then they both fell down, giggling)

Cadence:Hahahaha!! How did you get out!?

Xia: Cadence they helped me! They set me free!!!

Cadence: (stands up) oh my manners green lad!

Beep: the names Beep actually!

Cadence: well Beep! Thanks for setting her free! Hey are these you friends?

Bang: yup we are!

Bo: yes we are Beeps friends!!

Bing: oh boy! Xia mentioned you to us!


Xia: wheres Gaby?

Cadence: bad news and good news.

Bad news: shattered by a threat

Good news: i have her shards.

(Shows shards)

Xia: dear my!!( sighs) 5 down 2 to go...

Cadence: yeah..

Beep: (puts her hand on Xias shoulder) but al least you guys still have each other! Right?

Cadence : yup shes right!! So Xia! Are you saving your brother again?

Xia: (inhales and exhales sharply) yess....
But i changed my mind.. They encouraged me anyways... But they're the best!

Beep: aww thanks Xia!!

Cadence: so can i come too?

Xia & Bing: yes!!! Jinx!!

(Every one laughs)


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