Cpt 2

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Areum's POV

I was taping the steering wheel of my car I checked my watch again I still didn't ate my lunch. I'm stuck in this traffic I'm here for about hours since I left the coffee shop.

Good thing I'm near a restaurant I parked my car at the side I gave up there's too many cars in the road so I won't bother to war with the traffic.

I went inside and I look at the menu.

"Good afternoon ma'am what would you like to order?" The cashier asked smiling at me

"I would like to have jokbal with rice and 2 slice of pizza." I then searched for my money in my sling bag I don't like to carry big bags so heavy

"Your drinks ma'am?" She asked and I handed her the money

"No need just water." I said and she changed me back

I roam my eyes around and I saw a table at the most end of the restaurant I smiled and walked to it. And suddenly I was stumbled.

"Ouch..." I said and rubbed my but I checked my arms and I had a bruise

"I'm so sorry let me help you." The girl said she held my arms and help me stand I went to the table while she's still holding me she let me sit

"I'm really sorry." She said and keep bowing I chuckled at her

"No need." I said and smiled I don't know if she smiled too cause I can't see her face she's wearing mask and a bonie hat

"I will treat you lunch next time as a apology." She said and sat infront of me

"No, no need." I waved my hands indicating that I object

"Please..." She begged and her voice is too cute uwu

"Arraseo." I finally gave in and she celebrated silently

"Btw how old are you?" She asked

"Ohh I'm 23." I answered

"You're younger than me." She said that made me shock

"Really?! I should call you unnie..??" I said more like asking for her name

"Just call me anna." She then held out her hand for a hand shake and I accepted it

"Anna unnie." I then smiled at her playfully

"My name is Lee Areum. You can call me anything you want." She then mumbled something but I didn't heard it and she looked up and I and I felt that she smile

"Ma'am here's your order." The waiter said and put our foods infront of us we thank him before he go

"You like jokbal huh?" She asked more like teasing me

"Ani..." I said then lowered my head when I remembered something again

"It was someone's favorite and they are gone so I eat jokbal everytime." I then look at her and she seems sad

"Ohh sorry.." She said sadly I can feel it in her voice

"Don't be unnie..." I then tried to not think of the past again

"So where are you heading next?" She asked and wiped her mouth with a tissue she's still wearing mask it has a zipper so she can eat weird unnie

"My shops I'm stuck in the traffic since earlier. I still need to visit my eight shops." I answered her

"That's a lot shop." She said gasped

"Well you can't blame me twice have nine members." I said and she looked at me

"Ohh..." She silently said and we became quiet for minutes

"Are you a fan?" She asked suddenly

"Of course, what kind of person won't be their fan." I answered truthfully

"Did you miss them?" She asked

Why do I feel like I'm on a question and answer game.

"Super, a fan from afar is ok." I said sadly

I didn't get to meet twice like litterally close, I didn't have a job for the last 3 years and I'm a student when they started being a girl group. I focused on studies cause I want to be successful and buy their merchandises. I don't even have a candy bong z or any version.

I don't want to ask my parents for money just to buy merchandises cause I want my own money to spent just for twice. When I heard the news I cried and cried my social medias everytime I scroll news about twice are always what I see. So I didn't opened my gadgets for months until the news barged down.

"You didn't get to see them?"

"Yes, but I'm proud to call my self a 'once' and sad a little bit at the thought that twice only knows me as their fan a once." I then lowered my head and a tear dropped in my cheeks I quickly wiped so that she won't notice

"So you unnie where are you going after this?" I asked changing the topic

"Well I'm just hanging out by myself."

"If you want you can come along with me." I said happily

"Really?! I might disturb you though." She then said sadly

"No, just come along with me. You can visit my shops and I'll also tell you the story of my life."

"You trusted me already?" She asked gasping

"Every people have a good side." I then stood up and she did too

"So let's go?" She then nodded her head

We went to my car and she sat at the shot gun seat beside me while I drive.

"Where do you want to go first unnie? Cake shop or dress shop?" I ask her and she look at me

"Let's go to cake shop first!" She said excitedly kiyowo

Good things it's not traffic now we arrived at the shop more early. I wemt out the car and anna unnie followed.

"Goodmorning areum!" The staffs greeted me

All the staff on my shops are older than me they are 25+ yrs old so I told them to not treat me like a boss or call me ma'am.

"Morning oppas and unnies. How's your day?" I then went inside the counter anna unnie is just following me

"Good there's much more customers today." One of them said

"Woah that's good I'll just talk to chan oppa."

"He's not here." They said

"Ok I'll just stay upstairs first." Then they nodded their heads and went back to work

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