chapter 5

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they were going to climb up the mountain to a cave unkown to anyone but themselves and one other

"All right,i'm coming"

five minutes later and they had arrived at the top,all worn out and harry so tired that hermione had had to carry him a part of the way,but when they entered the cave and harry saw what was waiting for them,his energy was easily replinished

there sat a large,black,bearlike dog

"sirius!" harry cried with joy

the dog transformed into harry's godfather

"hello,harry. good to see you again"

harry gave sirius a big hug

"thanks for coming. by the way,molly thought you might be really tired by the time you got up here,she made this" he said,brandishing what looked like

"a dog saddle?" hermione asked

"right as usual" sirius said,the winked "just put it on padfoot and harry can ride on my back the whol way down" he said,then transformed

hermione tied the saddle onto sirius's back and hoisted harry into it,with that they started the trip down,harry and sirius going three times as fast as hermione and ron,harry laughing the whole way down. by the time ron and hermione were at the bottom,harry was off the dog and petting him,while sirius was panting

"good doggy" harry said,earning as small glare from sirius.

they started their way back to their house and when they got back,hermione said "i'm going for a drink in the three broomsticks.i'll bring back some butterbeer for you three"

harry went to change again and then he and ron started a game of snittich,sirius watching intently. harry won,obviously.

"you should practice,ronnie" he said after catching the snitch a third time

harry then went to show sirius his room

heres hedwig,this is my closet,where I hung that mirror you got me,still no idea what it does"

"well lets remedy that" he said,pulling out an identical copy and spoke into it,loudly and clearly,"harry" and on it appeaed what someone would have seen if looking out of harry's closet,and the one in the closet showed sirius's face


"anyway,back to the show and tell"

"here's my bed with my griffindor blanket,and in this cabinet are some books. heres my favorite"

he puled out a leather bound book that had a heart that had L & J embroiderd on the cover in harry's handwriting

"heres one of you" he said,flipping to a page and showing sirius

it was the picture of lily and jame's wedding,and him laughing in the background

"where did you get that"

"hagrid gave it to me"

"i'm home"

"hermes!" harry said,rushng downstairs to see another friendly face

"oi,'arry!'ow ya been"

"hi hagrid" he said

"hagrid did I hear" said a voice from upstairs,before sirius comes down

"'ey,sirius. didn't know you'se was here"

"well,I am."

"you goin' back ta grimm..."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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