Part Three

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Tommy was writing in journal when Wilbur came in his room " Tommy are you going help with supplies" Tommy looks up " yeah just let me finish writing my thoughts down" "fine" Wilbur looks upset at Tommy but didn't want to press anything out of him for now. Tommy finally got up to grab supplies for them from what Wilbur wanted for L'manburg the war was about to start in three days.
//this part I wrote during my lunch break at work//
Three day we're up they were starting to prepare for war Tommy sent a private message to Sapy "are you ready for the war and I'm still on your side correct" Sapnap sent a message back "of course you still on our side and we ready for war we have a trick up our sleeve if we get pushed back to much"
//foreshadowing at it finest also I started writing after my lunch break //
Tommy reply "oh a trick that cool can't wait to see it". Tommy walks out to where L'manburg was meeting at. "Are we ready men" Wilbur asked "yes" everyone said Tommy was smirking he couldn't wait to see their faces and when he "betray them". They all go to the war spot and get ready to fight. *put everything that happened in war up to Eret betrayal* we walk back to L'manburg into a hidden room Eret made Tommy clicked button and hear pistons opening but no one noticed "Eret what does button do?" Tommy asked "there nothing in chest" Wilbur said Eret pressed button again and dream team came out Sapy message me " hide in wall until we kill them all" Tommy replied "okay" Tommy hid in wall like he was told and connected to dream team voice challenge "Welcome to team King Eret" "Sapy we have a king?" Tommy asked quietly "yeah we do you probably should go said you found a way out" Tommy said "okay" Tommy digged a hole out and said it Wilbur quietly "I found a hole" Wilbur said "okay". "Down with revolution boys, it was never meant to be" Eret said //my discord status heh// "I'm going say it nicely you fucked up" and then dream came and blew up L'manburg with tnt so they were going to surrender but Tommy wanted to break them more and basically wanted to revealed that he was never on their side a surrendering point "hi Sapy are you happy war over" this shocked everyone besides dream and George "what are you doing Tommy" Wilbur snapped " oh by way Wilbur I was never on you side at least they didn't ignored me" smiles happily and hug Sapy who kisses top head "have fun with your "independence" and sorry tubbo I didn't want to hurt you" tubbo smiles " I'm fine as long I can keep my bees and be your friend I'm fine". Sign the new independence. "King Eret that has a nice ring" Tommy said. Eret smirked "why don't you be the prince". "Wait me a prince" dream team smiles and Sapy said "you deserve it and Eret can't run kingdom forever". " Yes a thousand times yes!" Tommy got a crown

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