i went home and called mom. She picked up and asked some random questions. Then I told her about Aisha.

"OH wow! you have a proposal, that's great. So are you considering it? I mean who is she?" My mother fired me with all questions at once.

"Her name is Aisha and she has recently converted to Islam. She worked as a journalist before but now she only writes the script and edit's newspapers. She was Umar's boss and I met her at his engagement. The imam of the mosque told me about the proposal and I am going to meet her tomorrow in his presence. "I told her all that I knew about Aisha.

"wow that's great. It would be good for you to marry her as you would have an opportunity to help her through this new journey that she has started. I hope the meeting turns out to be good and you marry her soon." She sounded really happy.

"Thank you for all your duas mom. "I thanked her and said good bye.

After that I went to sleep.

I woke up for fajar the next day and was not able to sleep after that, so I decided to revise the test that I had. After that I got ready to go to my petrol pump. I left for home at 9 and got ready to go to the mosque. I had to meet Aisha at 10.

I reached the mosque and went to Imam Farhan. He was reciting the Quran. I sat beside him and listened quietly. It was very comforted the way he recited. I had always loved his voice. It always brought tears to my eyes. It was his recitation that urged me to learn Arabic. I wanted to understand what Allah had to say but I wanted to be able to understand what Imam Farhan recited in such a beautiful and heart touching voice. Before I knew Arabic his voice was enough to fill my eyes with tears but now when I have started to understand it does not leave me without hiccups.

I sat there and soon I started crying. After he had finished reciting he kept the Quran on the shelf and came to me. I cleaned my face and turned to him.

"You are here to meet Aisha? "He asked

"yes. "I replied.

"She will be here soon. "He said.

"I hope you turn her into a firm and true believer like yourself if you marry her." He said keeping a hand on my shoulder.

"Insha Allah. "I said.

I felt like bowing in front of Allah and thanking him for the amazing gift that He has granted us Muslims in the form of Quran and for the understanding the He had given of the Book. So I got up and did waduh. I offered two rakat of nafal prayer and I was told by Imam Farhan that Aisha was here. I got up and went with him to another room where miss Amna and Aisha were sitting.

"Assalam u alikum." miss Amna said.

"Walikum assalam."I answered.

"Sit here"She pointed to a chair.

I sat down and looked at Aisha. She was looking down.

"So what do you want to ask each other? "Imam Farhan asked.

"what inspired you about Islam? "I was the one who broke the awkward silence after a long pause.

She remained quiet for a few moments and then replied.

"I saw a man dying. He was drowning so, I went to help him. He uttered La Illaha IllAllah before dying. I wanted to know what was so important about it that he said it in such pain. I listened to a few lectures and started reading the Quran in translation. That was enough to convince me to accept Islam." She said in a low voice still looking down.

I was listening quietly. It was amazing how Allah planes things. I realized that being a Muslim by birth was such a blessing for us.

"Masha Allah, I hope you find true bliss and happiness in Islam forever. "I said.

"Insha Allah. "She replied.

"Do you want to ask something to Ahmad?"Imam Farhan said looking at Aisha.

"what is your concept of an Islamic marriage? "She asked looking at me.

"According to me the concept of marriage in Islam is a moral safeguard and a social necessity. It is something that differentiates human from animals. It is a source of bliss and a form of Ibadah. It completes half of man's deen." I tried to put my thoughts in the best form.

She just smiled and nodded.

"Any more questions?" Imam Farhan asked.

"What qualities do you think a husband should have? "I asked

"I think a husband is a source of protection for women. He should help his wife to lead a life in accordance to Islam. He must have kindness and consideration in him. He must be a good leader and must have the ability to judge between right and wrong in all situations of life. He must have the strength to support the truth." she finished.

"Do you want to ask something else Aisha?"

"According to you what is the importance of hijab for a woman?" She asked looking at me.

"I think hijab is very important for women. It protects her from all the problems caused otherwise. It keeps her safe in a way. It reminds others that she is not a source of enjoyment for anybody who passes bye. It shows the respect that Islam has given women.'' I replied.

Everybody remained quite after that.

"Are you both done with the questions? "Miss Amna asked.

"yes "we replied at the same time.

After that I left with Imam Farhan.

I sat on my bed thinking about the meeting. I felt like she was little nervous or shy maybe.

I found her answersreally convincing. I asked Allah that I make the right decision 

Echoes Of The HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang