"This way my dear." he said leading the path. Hesitantly she followed him to a bright light, her face dropped to horror as she saw what was before her. It was the pillar of balance being guarded by a glowing white spirit, she looked ethereal but was clearly afraid and weak "this is the true chaos realm."

She noticed how vast the place was before "it was a whole planet..."

"Indeed, but when darkness grew stronger, there was no place for light on this world." he explained as he looked once "the spirit of darkness and fear and the spirit of light and balance, agreed that the only way to keep each other safe was to not stay in the same realm" he said looking at the spirit of darkness who watched on as the spirit of light left her, sadly watching as an old friend left "but as time passed, balance remained, there connection was never severed, until..."

Time shifted around them and they were now by a different pillar "what's this?" she asked and saw how it was darker than the pillar of light.

"The pillar in the chaos realm, is the pillar of light and balance, the only reason it's still standing is because of you" he sighed sadly as he saw the spirit of darkness grieving "the connection between darkness and light was severed."

She stood in front of the spirit of darkness and noticed the several cracks that were forming on her body as her face contorted in pain and sadness "which means?"

"It means the spirit of light has died." he explained, the pillar of darkness collapsed as there was no one to tame it "that day was the day Vala felt the anger of thousands of years burst from within her, destroying the pillar of darkness and corruption"

The pillar glowed brightly and she shielded her eyes, they appeared back in the forest and she finally understood. Falling to the ground she tried to process everything "so, the spirits of corruption, only want to go back home."

"Its impossible" he said as he sat down next to her "they were demigods, but like Nari, the felt empathy"

She scoffed light "surprising that the spirit of darkness felt empathy." she thought for a moment and asked "so what do I need to do? How do I get rid of my fear?"

He warned her before continuing "it will be a journey, a dangerous one at that, are you sure you want to do this?"

Hesitantly she knew that this would be the only way "what's the plan, old man?"

Back home the others tried to break out of this trap. Jim tried to summon his amulet without saying the words and succeeded, it glowed blue and he fell down "nice to see that you're finally working" looking to the others he placed his hand on each of their shoulders freeing them.

Claire quickly summoned another portal "the old man tricked us!" Marc exclaimed.

"And we can still stop him, let's go!" Jim said, jumping through.

Going through they saw Elizabeth with her amulet floating infront of her and Merlin instructing her. Maya called out "Elizabeth, stop!"

Merlin saw this and created a forcefield around them, blocking them out. They banged on it but it wouldn't break down "let us through!" Claire shouted, she couldn't summon a portal inside as she was blocked out.

He turned to her and said trying to reassure her as she began having second thoughts "these are the people you want to protect, you must make this choice for yourself not for them!"

She walked to them and placed her hands above her parents hands smiling weakly, looking at them all she said "this is the only way guys"

Jim pleaded "no, whatever it is, we promised we'd do this together Liz!" he said her voice paining her. It felt as though the tables have turned as she was now in his place "Please don't make the same mistake that I did!"

She pursed her lips and lowered her head "Lizzie come on, we're a team, remember?" Marc said.

"You said you wouldn't pull a jim!" toby reminded and the words only made the weight on her shoulders heavier.

Claire asked "what did he tell you to do liz?"

She didnt answer and kept her head hung low, her parents called out "Elizabeth please, you said that I wouldn't lose you, that you wouldn't pull something like this without talking to us first" her mother said hoping to atleast gain a glance.

"Kid, please" her father said "talk to us first"

Her hands shook lightly as she tried to prepare herself physically and mentally for the emotional weight that this would cause, shaking her head she backed away "that would need time" pausing she said "and that's something I don't have" turning her back to them she held back the urge to break down as she returned to Merlin.

"Liz, no!"

"You said we'd do this together!"

"I can't lose you too!"

She flinched slightly realising that Jim was still under the fresh grief of losing Draal "it's the only way!" standing in front of Merlin she held both her hands out "what do I say?"

He stepped back and told her "repeat after me: Et incarnatus est de chao, ut me ad vetus Ino"

Breathing out she used the remaining energy she had control over and entered her chaos state, opening her now purple eyes she chanted "Et incarnatus est de chao, ut me ad vetus Ino..." her voice echoed. The amulet glowed brightly and flew high above, sending a wave of energy knocking everyone back.

Merlin stood his ground and continued "ut me ad vetus Ino!"

She felt as her paths began to detriorate but held her ground and slowly began floating "ut me ad vetus Ino..." The portal slowly grew stronger as it grew bigger but not enough, the words were now in her mind as she heard a voice whisper.

"ut me ad tenebras...."

Her entire being was turned into darkness, her eyes glowing white, while her skin was now illuminated in purple "ut me ad tenebras!" The field broke down and Jim was quick to try and reach for her but his hand went straight through her, he gasped and grew worried as he saw her look down at her with the slightest smile on her features "see you on the other side Jim."

The portal pulled her in and closed, her amulet fell down. The trollhunters were now worried more than ever "she doesn't have her amulet." Toby said "how is she going to survive without her amulet?!"

Merlin stood up in front of them "it is for the best."

Jim was more than angry at this point "where did you send her?!"

He walked past them all "to a place where she can heal, and take all the time she needs."

Claire's emotion were overrun as she tried to stop herself from using her staff on him "what did you do to our friend?!"

"Saved her life." he stated simply shocking them all but they were still sceptical of the old man "don't worry, she should return tomorrow night," he told before walking away.

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