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     Silence spread across the stadium. In the middle of the stage, surrounded by corpses, was a barrel, its contents emptied not long ago. A hand that no one had seen grab on to the ledge pulled itself up. Cheers erupted from the crowd as the man stood up and everyone noticed what was in his other hand, a crown. The crown that had been in the barrel mere moments ago. The man raised it up triumphantly as he took off his mask. As everyone expected, it was Technoblade, the reigning champion of the coliseum, securing his title once again.
     Somewhere in the crowd was a boy. As his slender body was pushed to and fro by the cheering spectators, he stared in awe at the champion. A guy his own age, who no one had heard of a month ago, was champion of the coliseum. Slowly, a force sparked in the boy that quickly grew, quickly took over his life, the desire for fame.

Rivalry or? [dreamnoblade]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz