The Kiss of a Fey

Start from the beginning

“What’s happening?” I ask her trying to find a way to be concerned over how not worried I was. She brings one of her hands up to my face and pets me seductively, “It’s something I can do. I’m feeding off of the people on this dance floor and using it as a source of power. Do you want to some?” She leans in even closer to me so now our lips are barely centimeters apart and I feel myself tense up a little, “Don’t worry this isn’t going to hurt. You might even enjoy it—“ Before I can say anything Sasha’s mouth is pressed against mine. 

I feel like my body is suddenly on fire as Sasha breathe’s into me. I can feel all of the energy she’s collected radiating off of her and pulsing into me. It’s like raw untaped power and it causing my wolf to feel like it’s going into a frenzy. I reach out and cling onto Sasha as she shares more of what she’s getting with me. A hear a faint growl in the distance but right now I’m unable to focus on anything. Sasha pulls back and I open my eyes to find her looking at me with a playful smirk, “I think lover boy might be mad. I might have gone too far…” She comments as she turns away. 

I follow her eyes to see that Gideon and Mikhail are making there way through the crowd toward us and neither one of them look to happy. I would care but I can’t seem to muster to right emotions right now. Whatever Sasha did seems to have dulled my sensed or overloaded them I’m not quite sure. I move away from her, “I feel weird—“ I comment. She puts her hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry it’ll wear off in a couple of hours but I needed you to like this I’m sorry…” I couldn’t really understand what she was trying to tell me, “It’s all part of the plan. Trust me.” 

Mikhail and Gideon reach us both of them looked to be fuming. Gideon was the first one to speak, “What the hell was that?” He growled at her. She smirked at him and then moved towards him her body still flowing to the beat, “Are you seriously jealous of Elena?” She asks her hands reaching out and smoothing their way up his chest. She dances closer to him and it’s clear that she’s weaving her magic over him too because he relaxes under her touch and his eyes start to glow green for a moment. He reaches out and grabs onto her hips pulling her tightly against his body. Sasha let’s out a tiny gasp but then continues to dance as she had with me. 

My skin feels ultra sensitive every movement or beat of the music feels like it’s sending strange tingles through my body. I can feel Mikhail’s eyes on me and It only seems to be making me more hyper aware. I look up at him and I open my mouth to try and find an explanation for what he may have just witnessed. He reaches out and grabs me, pulling me into his body. He brings his mouth to my neck, "You brought this on yourself!" He growls in my ear and then bites the place where he had marked me before. I feel my head fall back and it’s like all that power Sasha fed me is being set loose into the world. Its as if the bite broke a hole in the damn. Mikhail seems to understand something is different but like I had been he can’t seem to stop it. 

I hear him groan like he’s being given the greatest pleasure in life. He somehow manages to release his bite but only to kiss me heartily on the mouth. It’s a possessive and claiming kiss. I feel like I should be pushing him away but my body is doing the opposite. I pull him closer to him continuing to let go as I had been doing since the moment Sasha brought me on the dance floor. Mikhail is the one who breaks from the kiss, “This is crazy—“ He says breathless.

“So?” I bring my lips back to his and kiss him again. He growls low in his throat and it only makes me want to rip off his clothes and lick him all over. His hands squeeze tighter where they are holding onto me and he pulls away again, “I’m serious. I feel strange—It’s like I’m—“He shakes his head a little like he’s having a hard time focusing. I feel like if he doesn’t take me right now I’m going to lose my mind and my wolf heartily agrees. I reach up and grab onto his face, making him focus on me. His eyes start to glow blue and heat surges through my veins, “I need you to take me somewhere right now.” I say. 

He seems to understand clearly what I mean because his nose flares and his eyes seems to drink me in. He doesn’t get a chance to do much though because suddenly his eyes are rolling into the back of his and he’s falling forwards. I react quickly and hold out my arms and catch him but he’s a lot heavier then I thought and we both go down. I try to adjust and figure out what happened but I feel a strange buzzing in my head that is making it even harder for me to focus. 

I feel things going fuzzy as I look to see a Sasha being grabbed by a couple of men and Gideon is bringing dragged away unconscious by another man. I look to see a women with long dark hair squatting down in front of me on the dance floor she gives me a smile, “Well aren’t you just the cutest thing…” She comments. The room seems to be undisturbed by whats happening. She motions with her hand and a man emerges from the crowd and grabs onto Mikhail. I know normally I would be chomping the guys hands off but for some reason whatever Sasha did to me has me and my wolf out of it. It’s like she drugged me or well us. 

The woman seems to understand the thoughts in my head, “Haven’t they ever warned you about the kiss of a Fey?” I look at her in confusion. She continues to smile and then stick out her hand towards me, “How about you come with me Elena?” Her voice is soothing and before I know it I’m taking her hand. She helps me up still smiling, “That’s a good girl.” The mysterious woman nods her head to someone else behind me but I don’t see who, “Don’t forget to grab the other one that came in with them.” She looks back down at me, “Why don’t we go and see my boss? She is very interested to meet all of you.” I find myself nodding my head and allowing her to lead me away from the dance floor towards a door near the back of the room. 

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