He was blushing, hiding his face as best he could from Frank. This was the perfect opportunity for Frank to head over to Gee, he grabbed his waist pulling him back against him. "Good position don't ya think?"

Gee squeaked, his hand shot out to the wall balancing himself. "Just think about that baby Gee..you holding yourself up as best you can against the wall..pushing yourself back against me every time I thrust forwards, getting so deep" Frank groaned, his hand placed on Gerard's back pushing him down ever so slightly, he had to lean against the wall.

"Frankie.." Gee whined he could feel himself getting excited. He straightened himself up and pushed Frank away from him. "You sit on the bed..uhm no touching" He huffed stomping his foot trying to seem tough. Frank loved it, he found that cute. "Okay okay baby I'll admire you from over here then"

Gee giggled, he made sure he got his socks on and a shirt before he looked around for his jeans. He found his favourite pair. He made sure his boxers wouldn't bunch up - he wore a tight pair when it came to these pants.

He slipped his legs in and started pulling them up, they got to his thighs, that's where he had to start jumping to pull them all the way. He bounced around, Frank watching quite happily. After a little bit he stood up and went to help Gee. Nothing bad about helping right? He stopped Gee from bouncing, the boy frozen from how close Frank was to him, his fingers looped there way through the jeans pulling them up with a yank.

Gerard got lifted off the ground a bit, he squeaked in surprise. Frank backed him against the wall gently, his hands going for the zip on the jeans. Gee was vibrating. He looked up at Frank with big dough eyes, the older boy not looking away as he zipped Gerard's jeans up making sure they were on right. His hands snaked their way to his butt pockets, slotting in there.

"T-Thank you.."

"Anytime baby, now come on. Get your shoes on." Frank threw on his shirt and grabbed his jumper. But Gee had other plans. He snatched the one that Frank wore yesterday and quickly pulled it on. Frank watched in amazement. "Perfect!" Gee clapped his hands, he grabbed his bag and walked out of his room down the stairs. He left Frank there to finish getting ready which didn't take long of course so he was soon next to Gee ready to go.

"Come on baby, let's go" He grabbed Gerard's hand and walked with him to school. Gee was dying on the inside, he was fan girling so hard. Frank was holding his hand. His cheeks went red making Frank giggle softly. "Out of all things you get shy when I hold your hand huh?"

The boys walked to school together enjoying each others company. "Gee when's your birthday?"

"It was the beginning of this month actually..I just turned 17" He giggled. Frank was a year older then him but it made him feel really old when Gee said he was 17. "Is it bad that I am younger then you?"

"No it's not. Age is just a number. I'm only a year older then you, it's not that bad baby." Frank hummed calming Gee down. "Look there's Ryan and Pat" He waved at Gee's group of friends, the boy lightening up a bit more.

They walked on over smiling happily, Pat was the first to notice Gee's neck. He giggled to himself, then Ryan noticed. He was slightly shook but amazed. "Good morning you two..Have a good night?"

Gee blushed in embarrassment, he hid his face in Franks chest. "We slept Ryan..nothing happened"

"Of course not..Come on take him to class he can't be late." Frank hummed and walked to class with Gee.

Gerard spent most of his day half asleep, he was half dead by lunch and Frank noticed. He was the first one sitting down at the table, Gerard shuffled on over to the table. "You look tired baby" He hummed pulling the tired boy down to sit. Gee winced when his butt came into contact with the seat. "You okay Gee?" Ryan dared ask his friend whose neck was covered in hickeys.

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