Chapter One

Depuis le début

I don't ask though, because my music director has taken the seat behind the driver and there is no chance of me asking for a drop off while he is there waiting to lecture me again.

I have been inundated with lectures today.

Firstly, I got told off for putting on make-up that Ayla lent me, like it's my fault we had to get up before dawn to come here and practice and I didn't have time to apply it at home. Then, I got told off for not wearing black shoes with my ensemble uniform.

"I will wear them tomorrow, I didn't want to risk scuffing them today and having to polish them again," I told him but he just turned red and told me to stop making up excuses for forgetting.

Lastly, I got caught on stage with Colton over lunch pretending to be flamboyantly homosexual while reciting a passage from In Search of Lost Time while impressionable eighth graders were present. It was highly entertaining, everyone laughed, but apparently it doesn't show 'the maturity and responsibility expected of students when we are out representing the school in our community.'

If you can't recite Proust in an affected accent while standing in the middle of an amphitheatre, when can you I ask?

At Leigh's house.

Her dad offered us both Twisties and Red Vines to snack on while we got ready for netball training. I was so surprised at his generosity I almost forgot to say thank you.

I leaned over to Tabitha when I was sure he was out of earshot. "Somebody got laid recently to be in such a good mood."

Tabitha mimed throwing up. "Eww Riss, teacher sex and parent sex. Two of the worst scenarios a teenager could imagine combined."

Leigh's scathing glare from the other end of the couch was more horrified than angry and I started to laugh.

"Shhhh, seriously. What is wrong with you?" she hissed at me, her tone was so aggressive that her dog spooked and ran out of the room.

Tabitha had to go into the bathroom and calm down because she was laughing so much.

7:03 p.m.

Normal team again today – Jake is definitely back for good also, not sure how I feel about that.

7:14 p.m.

After our game Ayla, Delia and I met up with Grayson and Chuck at the shopping centre.

Chuck had very obviously spent the afternoon at The Arcade getting high by the look of his glazed over retina's. He was with Theodore when I found him which has not put him in a good mood to spend time with me.

7:15 p.m.


9:05 p.m.

I got a lift home with Chuck's Mum from shopping. We saw Theodore three times throughout the night. I am so sick of running into him, sure I messed up big time with that whole making out with him because I was mad at Chuck thing, but I don't want to be reminded of it any more.

We met up with Tabitha and Leigh after dinner at The Burger Shack. I had a puff of Chucks cigarette while he was chatting with Kacie, Shona and Roni or as I like to call them, his gaggle of hoes.

Accidentally coughed and blew smoke into Tabitha's eye and she was rubbing it so much that she messed up the mascara and had to wipe it off in the bathroom. I just fell about in fits of laughter every time I looked at her one dressed up eye for the rest of the night. Kacie gave my insane amount of laughter many odd looks until I explained my friend looked like a drag queen minus the queen.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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