Day 41

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Mattia( my Italian kid)

Morning babyyyy
You want to go to the mall to go shop for Saturday today with me
Let me know
I'll be free from 2 onwards
Love you <3

Morning baby
Yea sure I'm down I'll pick you up at 3 cause I need to study

No sir
I'm driving cause you always drive so I'm driving it's final

Uhhhhh ok sure
Love you toooooo

Ugh I hate college so much at least I'm going shopping tho.

I got out of bed after contemplating my life choices and decided to go shower and put on some sweats cause it's a Thursday and I couldn't care less. Because i didn't put much effort into my outfit I had some spare time so I started on some extra work and shit. I quickly got distracted by my thoughts

Everything is going a bit too well in my life. I'm genuinely happy in a relationship, I mean of course mattia and I have petty arguments now and again but it is normal and after like a few hours we already back to our normal selves. . I have an actual healthy friendship group. I just feel like something isn't adding up I just know it, I'm probably over thinking or something.

I walked out the door and saw lee already waiting

Lee: cmon girl hurry upppp
Elle: you didn't tell me you were here
Lee: well I slept at pierces dorm and he's on the same floor so I just decided to wait
Elle: wait wait wait
Lee: what
Elle: you slept at pierces dorm
Lee: Yea Lee said and started blushing
Elle: did y'all do it
Lee: uhhh maybe
Elle: tell me I said almost yelling
Lee: ok yea we did lee said while looking down
Elle: was this your first time
Lee: girl no I was popular in high school I rolled my eyes and smiled at Lee's statement
Elle: was it like big
Lee: eh I mean I've experienced bigger but pretty good 8 inches
Elle: how the fuck you know it 8 inches, don't tell me you measured it
Lee: no but like I can tell
Elle: was it good
Lee: fuck yea girl
Elle: ahhh I'm so happy for you lee

We arrived at class and were seated:


@Hey_lee is tired from her dick appointment

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@Hey_lee is tired from her dick appointment

User: had to go expose her like that 💀

Hey_lee: don't be jealous
Elle.Enchanted: oh shit she's up

User: wow so quirky

User: lee is so pretty unlike pierce
User: ^^^

DasItAle: y'all about to fail class
    Hey_lee: it's English we can't fail💅🏻

Him~ Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now