"These are the schematics, the entrance is here and the escape pod is right there, we could probably attach there and the power thingy is there." I said, gesturing to each spot. "The red bloom are in giant containers over here near the power thingy."

"Use your techno ha-hoo fizz-whizz thing to shut it down." Mark said

"Firstly, I love that name, I'm using it. Secondly, if we shut down the station, Traeger and Harper will know we're here. PS, the observation deck is up there, and that's where they'll be, most likely." I said

"Our goal is to take down Traeger." Ryan said

"So how do we do that?" Veracity asked

"uh duh, the X-weapon." Harris said

"You destroyed that and if we used it, both Ryan, me and the robot would blow up" I said simply

"If I connect the arm cannons to the power core, I can create an explosion. Also, Eliza, I found a way to get rid of the physical connection with the robot. Drink this." Veracity said and handed me a cup of a blue-ish liquid. I drank it and felt nothing

"That's it?" I asked

"Yup." Veracity said

"That'll radiate the anti-ooze energy, and dissolve Traeger into red ooze! Smart!" Harris exclaimed

"Was that a compliment?" Veracity asked, smirking

"Hey, we're friends now, right?" Harris said. Veracity mumbled something unintelligible under her breath. It didn't sound great. I heard something that sounded eerily like ducking glassmole.

"Spyder can you break this moment with something stupid, please?" Veracity asked

"I mean we're gonna get out off there before the explosion, right. I mean, I love explosions just uh from the outside not the inside." Spyder said, awkwardly

"Thanks laugh-track." Veracity said

"We just need to get in and out without any body noticing us." Ryan said

"When we built the rocket, I remember Harper told me I'd never be able to go into space in it. So near the exhaust port, I got rid of the cameras as a way to sneak in. Bet you're all glad I was adopted by Harper now." I said

"But how do we dock with it." Mark asked

"Well I have a plan." Ryan said and that's when I started praying.

Ryan connected the arm cannon to the port. There was a thud that sent me lurching forward, and my glasses broke again.

"Yea, remind me to get contacts when we head back to Earth." I muttered. I got out of my seat and we all went to the arm cannon. Ryan crawled through first. He set the cameras on a loop. Then Spyder crawled out. I then crawled out and when exiting the capsule I bumped my head.

"Okay guys, this should be really simple assuming-" I was cut off

"Nobody knows you're here? Spoiler alert. Somebody does." Harper said

"guys, we can escape into space!" Spyder theorized and bolted to one of the hatches.

"No!" We all yelled. I dragged him back to where we were all previously standing.

"I was hoping this would be in 0 g but..." Mark attacked Harper and Harper flipped him.

"My turn." I said. I landed a couple punches before Harper judo-flipped me and knocked me to the ground. I groaned

"You can thank Sensei Jeff for that move." Harper said. Spyder ran over to us. He helped us up. I winced as his hand brushed over my ribcage, I think I bruised it. "And speaking of thank yous" Harper trailed off

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now