Liam hurriedly ran into his room, throwing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt over his half naked body before running through the front door. 

Harry ran a hand through his curls in frustration.

What had he done?


"Ash!!" Liam screamed, cupping his hands over his mouth. He hurriedly shuffled down the sidewalk, scolding himself for not bringing a coat. Goosebumps trailed up his arms and legs and he desperately wanted to rub warmth into them but he didn't. He was too focused on finding Ash.

People gave him funny looks as he shoved past them, his eyes scanning the area wearily. She wasn't here. There was no sign of her kinky curly red hair anywhere.

Groaning, Liam let out a cry of frustration and planted himself on the curb of the sidewalk. He sniffled with the cold and wiped his reddened nose with the back of his sleeve. He wanted to close his eyes and fall asleep right there, he was so tired. Liam didn't know why he had chased after Ash, he really didn't.

It was pure instinct, to chase after someone who was upset. And now look what he's gotten himself into. He's in the middle of the city, with no way to get back home. Liam cursed to himself as he realised that he didn't know where he was.

This is such a disaster, Liam thought.

The rational half of Liam  told him he was just being meladramatic, but he argued that the situation was very well in fact, a disaster. How could it get any worse? He's lost with no money, no vehicle, no way of knowing how to get back home, what was he to do? 

Bum around the streets for money? 

"Meladramatic," Liam muttered under his breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He finally stood up from the curb and slowly shuffled along the sidewalk sadly. 

Suddenly, his head snapped up as the sight of red caught the corner of his eye. And sure enough, the all too familiar kinky red hair was within sight. Gasping, Liam ran across the street and caught up with her, touching her shoulder lightly. 

"Ash!" He called breathlessly. Ash flinched under Liam's touched and jerked away violently, gasping in fright. Spinning on her heel, her glassy eyes widened, tightening the grip she held on her guitar. 

"I-I'm sorry Liam, I thought it was someone else," Ash whispered, rubbing her arm as she looked to her feet. 

Ignoring her statement, Liam sighed and tilted her chin up to stare at her eyes "Why did you run?"

"Well...I was just angry, Liam. I'm just angry at everything, at everyone," Ash sighed, brushing Liam off and hurriedly walking back down the sidewalk. 

"Ash, wait!" Liam shouted, grabbing her arm when he finally caught up with her. "Don't run away! Please, come back with me! Harry was just being a dick, and-"

"Okay." Ash interrupted, a small smile on her lips. Liam stared at her blankly.

"Okay what?" He said, still not catching on. Ash giggled and nodded her head.

"I'll go back with you, I just needed to clear my head," She admitted. Liam sighed, relieved. A bright smile rose on his lips and his rosy red cheeks almost made Ash  blush. 

"Want to go catch a bus back home?" Liam asked, pointing to the nearest bus station. Ash quickly nodded and they slowly walked towards the station together, both eager to get away from the biting cold. 


"Why is it taking forever?!" Ash giggled, rocking back and forth along with the bus' jerky movements. Liam laughed along with her, shaking his head in response. 

The bus had been moving for almost ten minutes, more then enough time to reach their destination.  

"Tell me about you," Liam said suddenly, making Ash jump in her seat. She raised an eyebrow in suspicion. 

"Oh c'mon, please?" Liam begged, "I only want to know what happened is all!" He said innocently, raising his hands up into the air with a smile on his face. 

Ash stared at him. A gentle smile played on her lips as she scanned the rest of his face. Finally, she grabbed her guitar and strummed it loudly, making Liam start to smile. 

"Well," Ash started, strumming  her guitar. Liam smiled and nudged her elbow, motioning for her to go on.  She took a quick glance out of the bus window before shaking her head and looking to the floor.

Taking a deep breath, Ash smiled and started singing, all the while a huge grin spread across her face. 

"Two years ago, I fell in love. With an American, he took my heart!" She sung, struggling not to laugh as Liam giggled along with her. "But he went and screwed some girl that he knew, and now I'm in Britain with a broken heart." Ash said, her face falling a bit. 

"Oh broken hearted, guitar player, british girl. Oh broken hearted, guitar player, british, british girl!" Ash laughed, the smile returning to her face.  

"One day I'll go find him, and win his heart again, but until then I'm just a broken hearted guitar player, british girl!" She giggled, tossing her head back and letting out a good laugh as she stopped playing. 

Liam stared at her, laughing along with her as the people sitting next to them shot dirty looks their way. Ash sighed happily as she stopped laughing, setting her guitar down onto her lap. Slowly, she looked up at Liam, her eyes sparkling happily. 

"I'm sorry he did that to you," He whispered, reaching out slowly to tuck a strand of her red hair behind her ear. She smiled, and quickly grasped his hand, giving it a small squeeze. 

She let out a sigh and shook her head. "Don't worry about it," She said, looking down to the floor again. "I guess he wasn't worth it. But you know, I can't help but feel like-" 

"Feel like what?" Liam asked as she suddenly trailed off in mid sentence. Ash shook her head. 

"It's nothing..never mind," She whispered. Suddenly the bus lurched to a stop making LIam and Ash jolt from their seats.  

"So much for seatbelts," Liam muttered. Ash snickered loudly. 

"And for brakes," Ash muttered back. Liam snickered as well, nudging her arm as he struggled to hold back his laugher. Giggling, Ash grabbed her guitar and exited the bus, making sure that Liam was following close behind. 

"Oh home, let me go home!" Ash sang as she watched the bus drive away.  

"Home is wherever I'm with you!" Liam finished, laughing at the song she sang.

And with that, the pair skipped down the sidewalk towards home.

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