Chapter 3.

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Small rays of sunlight peeked in from the blue curtains that failed to cover the entire window. They fell onto Liam's bed, and finally found their way to his eyes, pratically blinding him.

Liam groaned and turned himself over, his back facing the window. Finally he smiled happily and sunk deeper into his pillows. 

Suddenly, he was jolted from his sleepy state by the sound of a scream. Suddenly wide awake, Liam shot up from his pillows, listening for a minute to see if it had only been his imagination. But soon afterwards another scream echoed over the halls, making him bolt from his bed, yanking the sheets away from his body. 

He quickly pulled a pair of boxers over his bottom half and raced out of his bedroom, running towards Ash's room. 

"Babe, babe!" Liam shouted as he burst the door open. Expecting to find her a bed, Liam froze in confusion. He heard the cries, but she wasn't anywhere in sight. Suddenly his eyes flickered towards the closet. 

"Oh sweetheart," Liam gasped tugging open the closet door to see Ash curled into a ball, sobs racking her entire body. "Shhh, shh it's alright," He whispered, gently lifting her up and bringing her out of the closet to sit on the bed. 

She collapsed into his arms and buried her face into his chest. 

"L-Liam," Ash cried, clutching tightly to his hand for dear life. Liam held her close, rubbing her back in smooth circular motions. He didn't dare pull away from Ash's trembling form. 

"Shhh, Ash it's okay, no one's gonna hurt you," Liam said, tilting her chin up so he could meet her eyes. They were red and puffy, tears still streaming from them and leaving behind red streaks. Her lip trembled, making Liam sigh deeply, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. 

"Tell me what's the matter?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her. Ash hiccuped and stuttered, trying to explain. 

"I-I was alone a-and it was dark and I w-was scared and- Oh L-Liam" Ash cried, letting the tears spill from her eyes once more. Liam felt a pang of guilt for not realising. 

"Oh babe, I'm sorry," Liam whispered, pulling her in and rubbing her back. He rested his chin on the top of her head, closing his eyes as he waited for her to calm down. 

"What's going on?!" Harry's shouted, making Liam's eyes snap open. Harry stormed down the hallway and appeared in the hallway, frowning at the pair. 

"H-Harry!" Liam said in surprise, gently tugging Ash away from him and grabbing her hand as they both stood  up. 

"What's going on with her, why's she crying like that?" Harry asked, his eyes darting from Liam to Ash. She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeve angrily. She almost wanted to clench her fists but she didn't, instead trailing her eyes to the floor. 

"Um, she uh-" 

"I was crying because I miss my mum." Ash said quietly, saving Liam from his embarrassment. He nodded slowly in reply. 

Harry bit his lip and frowned. "All right then. You need to grow up Ash, you're mum's not coming back anytime soon." 

Liam's mouth dropped open at Harry's comment, staring at him in awe. Ash's breath hitched in her throat. Was it true? Was her mum really not going to come back? Sniffling, Ash grabbed her guitar and ran from the room, her red hair flying behind her shoulders. Harry watched her go, a small smirk on his lips.

"What the- Harry!!" Liam shouted, shoving at Harry's chest. Harry staggered backwards, blinking in surprise. "The hell's the matter with you?!" Liam growled angrily before shoving past him and down the hall after Ash. Harry stood there dumbfounded, his mouth agape as he watched Liam go. 

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