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       When I got home after school,no one was at home and Liam left after dropping me at home.

Tomorrow is Friday and Harry invited me to his party,maybe I should go because I won't even be doing anything at home.

I will just drag Jennifer along with me.

At the thought of that,I remember I owe her some girls gossip.
I smile to myself as I remember  her expression when I told her I was expecting Bryan Klein.
Maybe I should ask her to come over.

After taking a quick shower, I changed into a comfortable hoodie and short, went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat then I dialed her number.

"Girl!"she shouted from the other end of the phone.
"You owe me your first born for keeping that from me." she continued.

"I was going to tell you." I said laughing as I headed to my room with the food.

"But you didn't and I had to find out myself so,you still owe me your first born." she said giggling.

"Okay, okay but that's why I called you,can you come over?" I asked.

"I would love to but I'm kind of busy right now,with Sam." she said as she didn't fail to wisper the last word. SLY!!!

"Ohhhhh, you owe me some girl gossip too." I said with a smile.

"Ofcourse ,I know and that's why I have decided to come sleep over at your place tomorrow since it's Friday." she replied.

"That's awesome." I replied happily.

"Um ,before I forget,there is a party tomorrow and a guy invited me.
I don't want to go alone." I said.

"Okay,I will come with you,we will dress up at your place and have our sleep over after the party." she replied obviously happy about it.

"That sounds like an amazing plan." I said smiling as I continued devoring my food.
"Sure,I will talk to you later then,bye." she replied as I said bye too and ended the call.

Now I'm left alone to myself, with my thoughts.

I really need new friends since my bestie will soon be stolen completely from me.

maybe I should call Bryan and go over to his house,I can at least get to know Anne more and I and Bryan can also do other things.

I called him but he didn't pick his call so,I gave up after the first call.


After school,I took a shower,ate and decided to take a nap.

It's been a long time since I've napped.

Jennifer said she was going to come over so we could prepare for Harry's party together and have a girls night.

I'm so so happy.

I woke up to the sound of Jennifers voice.

What the hell! how long was I asleep?

"Wake up girl,you lazy twat." Jennifer said giggling as she shook me with a lot of strength.

"Go away!" I said as I turned faced down and snuggled my pillow.

"Come on, We are going to be late for the party." she said as she tapped me on my back.

I snuggled deeper into the pillow.

I didn't hear any sound so I thought she was gone until I felt a very cold breeze flow into me.

VERONICA :Gift Davidson.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz