chapter 1-loss of innocence

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*spongebob wakes with a smile and yawns* "what a lovely day, time for work!" "I wonder y squidward brought that double bed yesterday maybe he found some1!" "GARRYY COME GET UR FOOOD!1!1!" *leaves the house with Gary in charge *squidward flinches and turns back* "heyyy squidward" *his hate for the poor sponge was huge* (like his dick-) "ready for work?" "no."

time elapse to at work

*general work stuff taking orders, giving food ect.* "woah I never realised how segcy squidwards body was" spongebob thought "wait what am I thinking maybe I didn't sleep enough" "my mind is very naughty today its not liek it" _little did he know that he was about to be a dirty slut_  "hey spongebob are ya done there everyone's left even crabs" *spongebob jumped* "wait really" the sexc squid man chuckled  *squidward smirked* "it's just us u little slut don't u think I didnt here what u said about me" *spongebob shakes* "w-w-what" "segcy body, I'm flattered" *spongebob blushes*"im sorry* "it's sorry daddy for u" squidward chuckles "it's sorry daddy for u" squidward chuckles "look at ur master" *squidward lifts spongebobs chin up*"look at me" *spongebob is to embarrassed and looks away* "being naughty, eh? Well we'll see" *squidward chuckles* *spongebob looks down* "I-I-i think ur tentacle is stuck in ur trousers" "oh that, that's big squiddy. wanna see?" *squidward already starts thinking about things I shouldn't describe* *whips 2012 Ford focus out of his pocket* _all u can say is spongebobs innocence failed him tonight_ "ooo does squiddy look like u" *spongebob asks curiously* "he's very long and pretty he likes ur buns" *squidward is using spongebobs innocence against him* *spongebob is confused as he doesn't know what his buns are* "buns?!?" "let me show u" *squidwards tentacle squishes spongebobs glorious buns*"soft as a pillow" *spongebob moans and blushes* "cute moans" *squidward chuckles* "let's take this to my house" "that's where the 2012 Ford focus comes in play" "like a sleepover?" "yes like a sleepover u little slut"

_time elapse squidwards house location bedroom_

"woah" *spongebob stares in awe* "nice bed" "that's where  u will be my fuck toy" *squidward mubbles* "hmm?" "oh nothing" *squidward pushes him down to the bed* "uhh squidward what are u doing-" "I said its daddy to u"
"uh OK d-d-ddaddy" *suddenly he gets the chills* *squidward was already getting ready to punish his little slut*
_suddenly_ *shouting*"SPONGE BOB WAKE UP UR AT WORK" *crabs is mad*
_but was this a dream or did it happen last night_
~end of chapter 1~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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