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Nick POV
I woke up next to tony I smile god i belong to him I get out of bed cause for some reason I want to throw up so I went to the restroom and throw up but it's not food but it's blood I started freaking I flush the toilet and ran to Ryland room but he is asleep cuddling with ondrez I grab my hair and then I get my hands out my hair and see hair in my hand and it not just a piece it's a chunk I'm scared I go to my room and wake up tony " bebe wake up pls " he woke up and looks at me and his face softens " what happens teddy " I start crying " when I woke up I I went to the bathroom and threw up and I wasn't food it was blood and then I went to Ryland room and he was asleep cuddling with ondrez and I dig my hands in my hair and when I took them out I had a chunk of hair in hands and I'm scared " I look at him and his eyes are wide I sat on his lap and cry " let go to the doctor " I nodded " nick if u want to go to the doctor u need to get off me " I shake my head no he chuckles and he gets up I wrap my hand around his waist we went to his Tesla and he sat me in the passenger seat and he got in the car and started driving we got there we went inside and we did the papers and wait in the waiting room they call my name " nick Austin up next " the doc said I get up and he smiles at me I smile back tony and I went to this room they checked my eyes how much I weigh and what is my height  and they gave me a shot we waited 20 minutes in the room and the doc came back " will nick we have good news and bad news" I gulp I look at tony and grabs my hand " the bad news first pls " the doc nodded " will the bad news is that u have cancer " I cry and I hug tony and cry in his shoulder " what is the good news " tony asked " the good news is that nick will be able to beat it if he takes the medicine we give him " I look at tony he looks upset the I look at the doc " yes I will take the medicine and do I have to get shots and will my hair still fall " the doc nodded " yes nick u have to take shots and ur hair will fall out but it will grow back " I gulp I hate shots and losing my hair " but if u two are dating  u can't kiss him or anyone on the lips because u could pass the cancer to the other person " I pout and nodded " will that is it do u have any other questions " I shake my head no we went in the Tesla I didn't  talk all the way we get home and see everybody awake I just ran to my room and lock it and cry why me god why me I was happy know my hair is going to fall out and I m going to look so stupid and if the doctors got it wrong and I can't beat the cancer what happens if I die I'm to young I'm scared of death I hear a knock on my door " go away leave me alone " they knock again " it's me Ryland ur best friend since kindergarten pls nick let me in " I got up and open the door Ryland closed the door and locked it " what's wrong nick " I hug him and cry he pats my head and when he let's go of it he sees my hair on his hand " Ryland I have cancer I found out today with tony the doctor said that I will beat but my hair will fall out and I have to take shots every day already took one in the hospital but ya "
( this part is from Alexa and Katie )
" I have an idea " Ryland left and he came back with a razor " what u want me to shave it off then everybody will notice " he just smiles " what happen if their not the only one their seeing " I realize what he meant " ok Ryland I get ur my best frien-" and then he shaves part of his hair " oh my god Ryland u just did that " he hugs me " ur my best friend and I will do anything for " I smile and let go of the hug I get the razor from his hand and I shave a part of my head we went to the mirror " in the count of three we look " Ryland said I nodded " 1" he says " 2" I reply " 3" we both said and turn around " ahahaaaaa" we scream we went to the bathroom and we shave all of our hair and now we are bald "what do we do know " I look at him "what idk I had hair like five minutes ago ya it was falling in chunks but I had hair I wasn't expecting to lose it in the morning " he just chuckles and hugs me I hug him back
( end of Alexa and Katie )
We went to his room and he gets a hoodie and then we went to mine room and got one of Tony's  hoodie and we put hood over our head and went downstairs and we sat down next to our boyfriends and cuddle in their chest" hey nick and Ryland u know it's hella hot right " tony said shit " bebe Im cold and so is Ryland " he nodded tony and Ondrez put Ryland and I over their shoulders are I start hitting tony back " tony fucking Lopez put me down now " we got to Ondrez  room they put us on his bed " take off ur hoodie nick and Ryland " Ondrez said we shake our head no " fine we will " they came up to us we try to move but they are way stronger they took of our hoodies and their eyes widen " why would u do that " Ondrez said " because my best friend has cancer and his hair was falling out and I didn't want him to go alone without having hair by himself so I did it and shaved our hair even tho it feels weird " Ondrez picks up Ryland and kissed his head and aww they are so cute like  u don't get it I look at tony he looks upset or mad idk but then he picks me up to he was leaning in but I put my hand over his mouth " no mr u can't have kisses until I beat cancer ok " he nods so he just kisses my cheek I blush so tony took me to his room and lays me down and cuddles with me  " want to watch Netflix " I nodded my head he just smiles " what do I want to watch Nicky " I blush " stop treating me like a baby " he sets me on his lap " but u are my baby and I will love u if had hair or not " I want to kiss him so bad put I stop myself " hey u know u could've shaved ur hair to " he starts getting nervous " ya ya Ik but it's Ryland thing u know " he says " I'm sure Ryland wouldn't mind" I replay " just shut up baby boy" I laugh he lays me back on his bed I cuddle with him and he puts on work it I was starting to get sleepy so I fell asleep and before I pass out I feel him kiss my forehead

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