Dear evan hanson chapter 1 part 1

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That's how all my letters begin. First the DEAR part, because that's just what you Wright at the top of any letter. That's standard. Next comes the name of the person your writing to. In this case.its me so, yeah, Evan Hanson.
Evan is actually my middle name. My mom wanted me to be Evan and my dad wanted me to be mark, witch is his name. My dad won the battle, According to my birth certificate, My mom won the war. She never called me anything other than Evan. As a result, neither has my dad ( spoiler alert: my parents are no longer together ) I'm only mark on my drivers license ( which I never use ), or when Im filling out job applications, or when it's my first day of school, like today. My new teachers will call out "mark" during attendance, and I will have to ask each one to please call me by my middle name. Naturally, this will have to be done when everyone one will have vacated the room.There are million and ten things from the subatomic to the cosmic that can rattle my nerves on a daily basis. And those things Is my initials M.E.H like the word: meh. Meh is basically a shoulder shrug, and that Pretty much sums up my reaction I get from a society at large.As opposed to the surprise of oh. Or the wow of ah. Or the hesitation of uh. Or the confusion of huh. Meh is pure indifference.Take it or leave it. Doesn't matter.Don't cares. Mark Evan Hansen? Meh. I'd rather think of myself as eh,which is More than seeking approval, waiting for confrontation. Like. How about that Evan Hansen. Eh. My mom says I'm a true pisces. The symbol For a Pisces is two fish tied together Trying to swim in the opposite directions.

Dear Evan Hanson full Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant