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Brooke, for as book smart as she is, is extremely oblivious. She might have a business degree and be making her way up the ladder at a fairly prominent company, but she could be so unaware of what her friends didn't explicitly say. But, it's pretty obvious to Brooke when Dylan disappears on nights that the two of them are supposed to hang out on. It's pretty obvious when Dylan showed up to work on Tuesday, a bit frazzled with a poorly covered hickey, and even Brooke noticed.

The interns noticed and tried to poke fun of Dylan, but Dylan told them to 'fuck off' real quick. Dylan couldn't get off easy from Brooke. She knew that the two of them got nothing done that day, even though Dylan was supposed to be getting work done on the Arsenal project. Brooke was not helping, on purpose, and trying to get a reaction from Dylan.

She might be a bit daft in general, but Brooke was extremely socially aware. She knew when to press people for details and when to back off, but bugging her best friend, she had no reservations being appropriate for the social setting. She poked and prodded Dylan, literally, and even tried sucking up to get details. Brooke, as oblivious as she is, gets severely invested in Dylan's business often. She'll start to notice the small details, like Dylan smiling down at her phone occasionally and Dylan trying to slip away from Brooke during their lunch hour. It's unusual, seeing as Dylan tended to eat a lunch from home at her desk while she worked and only went out for lunch on Fridays with Brooke. She didn't want to stalk her best friend, but she wanted to know what said best friend was up to. As far as Brooke knew, Dylan hadn't dated or hooked up with anyone since she was in university. So, she tried to follow Dylan to lunch, but she got lost in the midday London traffic.

She was cursing her best friend out when someone cut her off, leaving her to redirect her curses to the man in the blue Volkswagen and flip off both him and Dylan for having lunch across the city.


On Wednesday, Vex covered their message to van de Donk. They leave the wall covered in what looks like a splash of red paint and a graphic showing the 'Always Forward' mentality that the club has. There's a post it on the floor, warning the players of wet paint. No mentions of Daniëlle van de Donk.

They do leave an undertone of a darker red of a middle finger, just to be cheeky, and it's covered by the letters that look like they've been stenciled onto the wall. It kind of looks like a social media promotion, no lies there, and there's a feeling about it that screams that it looks like a social media post on purpose. A mockery of Arsenal, maybe. Vex said they were never an Arsenal fan, and it seemed that Vex never intended to become an Arsenal fan.

Vex had been inactive on socials for a week, and people were starting to get pissed off about it, like Vex was the reason for their serotonin. Vex got an angry DM from one user, georgiasrose, asking why they refused to make a statement on whatever political movement they were supporting. It's invasive and uncalled for, but it happened anyway. People were always concerned about themselves. Whether the artist created catered to their political preferences or if their message gave off the right kind of vibes so they could post all about it, people were exhausting. It was like they have their own opinions and it's ingrained into their minds that they have to share said opinions with everyone.

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