-Akatsuki- {Naruto} The Panther 2

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I pretended to not know that I was being followed while I whistled along the path. I stretched my arms behind my head and now started to hum and began to skip once in a while as I looked up at the sky, the two mysterious but familiar people still following close behind.

Peaceful day isn't it? The evil voice asked, trying to make some conversation with me.

'Yup! I wish it was like this everyday.' I gave a sigh while the evil voice in my head gave a chuckle before he decided to stay quiet. Well I have to admit that the voice isn't all that evil, but that doesn't mean it still wants me to kill innocent people.

Wow Voice, who knew you could be this tame? Baru-San teased, snickering while I rolled my eyes.

I can be tame when I want to! Except when I'm around you or the others. The evil voice growled.

I didn't exactly understand why the evil voice didn't like Baru-San or the rest of my other friends, but he just doesn't especially when they're here by me personally.

The sun was shining down at me warming my skin as the cool brrze brushed against my revealing skin. I just love days like this when it's all quiet, where I can hear everything clearly like the birds, the crickets, and the river. I closed my eyes, enjoying the peaceful silence. Too bad it didn't last long.

I was suddenly brought out of my trance when I heard curses and rustling come from behind me, making me sigh irritably seeming they had just ruined the peaceful moment.

Deciding to become serious, I continued on walking a bit fast. The evil voice retreated back to my mind since he knew I could take care of it, but I went to Baru-San for advice again.

Hear them out of what they want, Baru-San said, But if you think that reason sounds stupid. Just do what you do, beat them on the head so they don't remember you.

For once I agree with this stupid furball... Well on most part, just kill them. And the evil voice was once again gone along with Baru-San.

I nodded silently, looking straight while slipping my left hand inside the sleeves of my right arm and vice versa. I wasn't very patient when the time to kill my prey was close. I think I got this from the evil voice, but hey, the voice is a part of my imagination... Hopefully.



I chuckled and lied down on the patch of grass while watching the moarch butterfly flutter around my face as I tried to swipe it off, but it kept escaping as it flew away. But I wasn't a kid anymore so I couldn't chase after the butterfly as I remained laying down on the grass.

I thought back to the little raven hair girl with the twinling black eyes and her clip shining in the sun. I've noticed that her ring was missing as well, but I'm pretty sure that she gave it to that little Suna red-head. What was his name again?

Ah well, it'll come sooner or later... Maybe not.

But I just hope that red head isn't having any feelings for her because whether I would admit it or not Ashika is kind of like a daughter to me. and as her self-proclaimed father, it's right to protect her especially from love-sick boys. The only reason I'm letting her survive and fight on her own was because I knew I couldn't be there for her, especially when my chakra runs out quickly in the human world so I had to teach and train Ashika as the others did to.

I sighed to myself, turning to my back as I lied still, staring at the strange purple sky before closing my eyes momentarily as I thought of a little girl who looked exactly like Ashika but was different. This girl was gentle... Kind... Innocent. But that was all years ago and by now she's suppose to be an adult.

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