She's the best person I know

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Maya's P.O.V
I was driving my car and next to me was sitting a familiar brunette.

Riley Mathews.

My bestfriend since I came through her bay window and everything changed.
She truly changed my life.
She was always so hopeful and cheery she had hope for something that was four billion miles away while I never really tried to have hope for anything because I didn't want to be dissapointed.
I could always count on her though. She has always been there for me when I needed her and vice versa. She even tried to make my mother come to see my art and always supported me.
Her parents sort of became mine.
Mr. Mathews always thought I was trouble though and was afraid that I would change his precious little girl.
In the end though we brought out the best in each other.
I would never ever let anyone hurt her.
And if they would I would do something really bad to  them so they would regret it.
She was my girl.
I always knew I loved her but a couple months ago I realised that it was even something more.
I didn't only love her in a platonic way, like a friend. I was in love with her. At first I was scared because she was my everything and I was afraid it is gonna ruin everything we have worked for so hard all these years. So at first I tried to pretend that everything is the same but I realised I couldn't. She was on my mind every second of the day. Two weeks ago I finally told her and then she told me that she felt the same way which left me absolutely in shock and made me the happiest person alive at the same time. So about two weeks ago we started dating and now we went on vacation for a week with her parents. They knew that we were dating and they didn't really mind. They said that as long we are happy they are happy.
So now I was driving my car, I got my driving license about two months ago and I was happy to ride my girl around.
I put her a blindfold on though so she couldn't see where we were going and I was sure that it made her go crazy.
I had one hand on a steering wheel and the other one was holding her hand with our fingers interwined.

- Are we there yet? - she chirped in a hopeful tone.

- Nope - I said with a grin on my face.

- Ohh - she whined and pouted , she looked adorable - can you at least tell me were are we going ?

- No, I can't! - I laughed at her trying to convince me - How would that be a suprise then?

- But I am dyiiing out of curiousity hereee - she complained.

-Eh, you will live - I shrugged with a smug grin on my face. I loved teasing her like that. - We're almost there anyway.

-Really?! - she jumped up and down in her seat excitedly.

- Eeyup - I replied and chuckled at how excited she was - just try to don't blow up from excitement.

- Oh you know you love me anyways even though I am a weirdo sometimes - she laughed.

- I wouldn't have it any other way - I said soflty and stopped the car because we finally arrived.

- We're here?!- she practically screamed.

- Yeah we are but don't take the blindfold off yet , okay? - I got out of the car and opened her side of it and helped her get out of it as well. Then I took a blanket from the back and took her hand and dragged her to the place we were gonna sit. It was getting kinda late and cold but oh well it just meant more cuddles so I am not gonna complain. I put the blanket on the sand and helped her sit on it.

- Are those waves I am hearing ? - she said in an over-excited voice.

- Mhm - I simply replied and slowly took the blindfold off - you were very brave.

- I know right - she said and we both laughed.

- Peaches , I love beaches ! - Riley pretty much screamed and hugged me tightly. I loved when she called me that.

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