Chapter 30:a painful but necessary truth

Start from the beginning

[him a gentleman ?!she wants to die or something?!]though musujime

hokaze start imagining accelerator as a gentleman....[it feel just don't work]

"and you ! »shokuhou point her finger at musjime

« we will go search an outfit for you ; should wear something more lady like here »

« like hell,i would wear those weird outfits ! »said musujime

« plus people would think she actually enrolled is the school »said accelerator

« what's make you think she's not ? »ask shokuhou

«what ?! »almost scream musjime even hokaze as surprise

accelerator suddenly got a serious look

« you know something about the meeting don't you »said accelerator

« maybe i don't ...maybe i do »said shokuhou while smiling

« anyways...let's start the visit...but first the outfit for you »said shokuhou

« but...but what are you talking about ? »start mumbling musujime [i'm already in a school...]

« people are looking at us »said hokaze

« we're making too much noise »

« i think people don't need noise to see us"

« she's right..we might actually get in trouble especially you both»said shokuhou

« but-but.. »musujime was acting like  a child

« let's just go already »said accelerator

« you will have to force me ! you're not the one who have to wear an uniform!»said musujime

« i guess i will force you then »said accelerator with a threatening tone that gave chills down the teleporter's spine

« ok »musujime was suddenly calm,she suddenly became extremely compose

« let's go »said shokuhou as the group enter a building

in the building

« by the way...i wonder..what's your ability ? »ask hokaze to musujime

« i'm a level 4 teleporter »

« kuroko-san ! »said hokaze

« don't compare me to her !,there's a big difference between me and her in term of power »said musujime

hokaze suddenly back down due to the outburst

« i'm sorry i didn't want to be impolite ! »implore hokaze

« ....and you?what you're  ability ? »ask musujime [now i feel bad !...damn..she was so threatening at accelerator because he was near that stary eye girl...but she's like a cinamon roll...]

accelerator and shokuhou were looking the two level 4 in silence..

« my ability is called rampage's a type of electromaster ,i'm a level 4»said hokaze

this interest accelerator [rampage dress....if i remember correctly,it's what mikoto was using yesterday]

« rampage dress ? First time i hear about it »admit musujime

« it's an ability that allow someone to boost their physical strength »said accelerator before hokaze could respond

« know about it ? »ask hokaze

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