"Congrats babe," Y/N cheers.

     "Thanks, baby," Brock whispers in her ear and then kisses her sweetly on the lips. Y/N pulled a pre-rolled blunt out of her pocket and lit it with her lighter.

     "I didn't know you smoked, тыква," Brock queries.

     "I only do it sometimes, mostly when I'm stressed," Y/N clarifies. She passes the blunt to Brock, and he takes a long draw then blows it out. Brock stubs the blunt against the wall and leads Y/N back to the party. They sit down where the group all gathers around Thor and his "magical" football.

     "I bet I could pick that up easily," Tony comments.

     "No, you are not worthy," Thor answers.

     "You'll see," Tony grumbles. Tony tries to pick it up, but it didn't move an inch. The group went around to try to pick it up, and no one can do it until Steve moved it a little bit.

     "Y/N, I think it's your turn," Thor announces.

     "Alright, don't judge me when I can't pick it up," she warns. Y/N looks at the football for a second and then puts her fingers on the football, as Bucky told her. She closes her eyes as she picks it up, scared she wasn't going to be able to. She opens her eyes to see everyone with a surprise face.

     "Why do you guys look like that-"

   Y/N looks down and sees the football in her hand, she throws it up and catches it like it's nothing.

     "Well, I guess Y/N is worthy," Thor says while he and the whole group is amazed.

     "My sister is worthier than all of you, bitches," Bucky slurs, and the group laughs at Bucky's remark. She throws the football back to Thor as Brock leads her back outside.

     "Here, take this," Brock gives her an orange pill bottle.

     "Wait, what is this," Y/N questions.

     "If you want something more than marijuana, then use this," he explains. Y/N's thumb brushes over the label that reads, Xanax.

Don't give me a xanny now or ever

     "No, I can't take this," Y/N mumbles as she hands it back to him.

     "Just keep it," Brock insists as he puts it back into her hand. Y/N felt uneasy about carrying it because she wouldn't know what her brother would say or do.

   When everyone started to leave, Brock offered to take Y/N, and of course, she accepted. Y/N was intoxicated and tired from the alcohol and the blunt, Y/N just wanted to go to sleep. She sits still like a board in the passenger seat, not trying to throw up all over. Brock pulls into a gas station and gets out of the car to go into the store. She waits and waits until she sees Brock heading back to the car with a cardboard box in his hand.

     "Babe, what's that?" Y/N asks as he sits back in the car.

     "Just some cigarettes," he answers. Y/N cringes at the word cigarettes, she never liked them, because her father would always smoke them.

     "Can I borrow your lighter?" Brock asks.

     "Sure, it's in my purse," she answers. Brock reaches for her purse that's in the backseat and fishes out her lighter. He lights the cigarette and pulls out of the gas station. Y/N's face starts to fill with disgust as the smoke and smell fill up the car. Brock places his hand with the cigarette on her thighs as he continues to drive. The cigarette accidentally touches and burns her skin. She tries not to mind it, but she couldn't ignore it. So she removes his hand and turns the other way, not facing him. Brock was confused, so he goes to kiss her on the cheek. Y/N shifts the other way to dodge the kiss.

     "What's your problem," Brock barks as he pulls over the car.

     "Nothing," Y/N mumbles as she rolls her eyes.

     "It doesn't seem like it's nothing," Brock continues.

     "I'm just not in the mood," Y/N explains.

     "Well, I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit," Brock yells.

     "What are you talking about," Y/N puzzles.

     "You want to act clueless now, get out," he exclaims.


     "GET OUT MY CAR," he interrupts. Y/N grabs her stuff and stumbles out of the car.

I can't afford to love someone

Who isn't dying by mistake in Silver Lake

     "How am I going to get home," Y/N asks.

     "Figure it out," he snarls as he drives away. Y/N looks around and sees she's only a few minutes away from her house. She staggers down the street and then it starts raining.

     "Oh, that's perfect," she scowls at the sky. Y/N stumbles on the way home, she can't herself balanced. She trips on the sidewalk and turns over to see a gash on her thigh. Y/N gets off the ground and starts to limp the rest of the way. She finally makes it home and sees that the whole group was at the house. She rings her doorbell, and Bucky opens the door immediately.

     "You're finally home," Bucky exclaims.

     "Y-Yea," Y/N stutters as she walks inside the house. Everyone started to take notice of her drenched hair and how she stumbled inside the house.

     "You're bleeding, what happened," Bucky asks.

     "I f-fell, th-that's it," she explains. The room started to get blurry, and sounds began to whirl around her.

     "Are you okay, тыква," Bucky worries. Y/N felt like the whole room was spinning, and she couldn't stop it.

     "Yeah, I-"

   Y/N collapsed onto the floor before she could give her answer.

Too intoxicated to be scared

   Everyone rushed over to where Y/N fell, and Bucky held his sister as he started to cry.

     "Y/N," Bucky yells as he shakes her unconscious body. He notices the cigarette butt shaped burn on her thigh. He was beyond mad at the sight of his sister hurt.




   Darkness soon started to take over her body as the calling of her name kept getting lower and lower.

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