Chapter 2: Beachfront Honeymoon

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Amanda Waller is an intimating woman but to Oliver she is a means to an end. She controls him by using his humanity against him. Somehow, he thinks she's trying to get him to be less human and more of a cold killing weapon in her arsenal. So far, he's kept himself at check and uses his sass to piss her off. Now he stands before her yet again being defiant and waits out what will happen.

"Mr. Queen, do you have a comprehension problem?"

He shrugs at first and knows she is waiting for a verbal answer he doesn't want to piss her off any further. Being certain she'd punish him if he doesn't show a level of respect, "No. I don't"

"Two assignments and your O for O, I didn't think you had it in you to be so defiant."

"He's my childhood best friend I found another way. He'll leave and create no other problems."

"And the girl?"

"You can use her as leverage."

"You don't love her?"

"You're using Maseo's family as reassurance to have me under your palm and I don't love them but you know I'm empathic." The glint in her eyes tells him how well she knows him. "I don't want anyone to be harmed."

"I see." She acts as if she is thinking but he knows she already did her assessment. "She is pretty and I suppose you having a playmate would keep you in line."

"She's my wife."

"Yes, the records do tell that the lovely Smoak is now a Queen. Congratulations on your nuptials."

"Thanks." Grinding his back teeth. She has a way in getting under his skin.

"You can go. Make sure Mr. Merlyn is no threat, don't want to see you become a widower so soon." He leaves wishing he could wipe that smirk off her face.

Black limousine idling outside the entrance of the hotel that Merlyn booked for his short visit in Hong Kong. The occupants waiting on the men sent in to retrieve and make it seem that Felicity Smoak has vanished.

"There are strange men grabbing my things, why couldn't I have gone upstairs and..."

"You've been kidnapped you can't freely go up grab your stuff and be considered taken."

"What are you going to do to Tommy?"

"Scare him and get him to leave without incident."

"If he asks about me tell him he's off the hook on painting any walls now."

"What?" a confused Oliver lets out. Of all the things she can express that he tells Tommy she's talking about walls.

"Just in case he wonders if I was really taken."

Maseo enters the conversation between the newlyweds and coldly says. "He's a rich boy. He won't give the likes of you any thoughts when his life is at stake."

Thomas Merlyn tied to a chair with a bag over his head. He finally awakes and wishes he was really sleeping on the mattress in his hotel room instead. His mind is foggy with this light-headedness but without being able to see he can't picture where he is.

It's one of the scariest moments in his life. Even worse now that he remembers that he brought a friend along and she could be in danger to. She's very attractive in that way that she doesn't see how beautiful she really is. The thought what some men could do with her actually does bring a chill down his spine.

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