Chapter 1

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Saying of the day: Instead of wishing you were someone else, be proud of who you are. You never know who was looking at you, wishing they were you - Unknown

I wake up to a beeping noise. Groaning I pick up my alarm and knock it off the table. Great! I have work.

I get out of bed with much effort, and do my morning routine before getting changed. {outfit at the sidebar :)}

--- skipping the rest cause it's boring af---

Starbucks. The dream job right? No. But what else can I do. I'm a foreign girl trying to make a living in a foreign country. I take what I get.

The day goes by as per usual. On my walk home, I put in my earphones and start walking. Not looking where I'm going I bumped into someone and fell.

"Oh, sorry there love I didn't see you."

I look up at the stranger.

"No problem, my fault too. I should probably start looking where I'm going."

"Here, let me help you up." He holds out his hand and I take it hesitantly and pull myself up."

"I'm Bella. Nice to meet you..." I say drifting off hoping to get a name out of him.

"I'm Harry. The pleasure is all mine love. So tell me, where are you from?"

"Why?" I mean, it's kind of suspicion for a total stranger asking you where you're from.

"Oh, I didn't mean to sound like a stalker. It's just, you have an accent that I don't quite reconize."

I couldn't helo but to laugh at this. " Ahh the accent. I'm from South Africa."

"Grand, well let me buy you dinner as a sorry and you can tell me all about it." Harry grins.

"Why not." Smiling I follow Harry.


Okay guys...there is NO words for how bad this chapter is.

But no fear, the story gets WAY better later on.

I just want her yo meet the boys first and get a bit comfortable around them before the plot twists and drama starts.

Really sorry for my L.A.M.E chapter. :( :(



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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