my first RWBY fanfic

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Oh man I'm so excited to do this. here we go!!!!


Ok so one day there was this stupid wimp with your name, and he was part animal or something, let's say he's part crocodile because FUDGE OFF crocodiles are cool.

So anyways he gets adopted buy this family who APPERANTLY is supposed to be these nice, cool, even might be protagonist of a some show. But instead of that they are more blood thirsty, angry, and have more intentions of using you as a pinching stress reliving person because that's motivation enough for yo- I mean him to be angry.

So one day these used to be solid characters but now are garbage beat the cap out of him when he was like 8. Why 8, because it's my favorite number so SHUT UP!!!

Crocodile kid them decides that Enough is enough and starts cursing like a sailor at his adoptive family while also speaking in full sentences, because anger totally make you understand full English when one is a baby, and also discovers a hidden power he had.

Lets say this power was the power of a full dinosaur whenever he felt like it, why dinosaur power you might ask? Don't know, people usually grab the most stupidest power that requires a lot of training to master and give it to this wanna be cool edgy character at full potential.

So croco kid turns dino crazy, and pretty much defeats the whole family without breaking a sweat, because after years of not being trained and instead getting the shiz beaten put of you is enough training to take down more then one Hunter that have pretty much spent half of their life training to take down much bigger threats then a 8 year old kid throwing a mega tantrum.

Dino kid the runs away from the house, and when the family wakes up, the realized that what they did was wrong and they regrERG- they regreGURP- oh man, smart writing always makes me want to throw up.

The family then start looking for the boy, hoping that he can forgive the years of abuse he has passed.

Meanwhile dino kid went back to croc kid, and is laying down in front of some people that are passing by.

Now some might think "oh, clearly he's going through an abused part, so maybe cat girl will help him" or "oh, clearly he needs to get stronger when he's not dino, so hot Spartan red head girl will help him" or even"oh, clearly he wants to put his past behind, so coolest edgy character in the show will help him"

If you thought any of this you couldn't have been more dead wrong, because screw most logical path to make this shiz show a bit better, I'm sending him to clearly best girl in the show, because SCREW YOU ITS MY BOOK SO I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT.

So some rich looking douchebag finds him and says "yep, he looks almost dead, maybe I should not be a butt for once and be a good father to this boy" and he takes us to some white mansion where we get treated... I mean him, he, clearly we don't want to identity ourselves with this kid, right?

So anyways, he wakes up and sees rich non douchebag and gets the fatherly love he never believed in, because that's what already established characters are for.

And he lives a pretty normal life in rich mansion, as well as having best girl as his sister and being a good team together.

Now a few years later and we end up in where the show started.

A bunch of flying machines are going to a school, and you and best girl decided to take the non rich way to get there, because it's convenient for the plot.

Then you see two girls that look oddly familiar, and by that I mean the two people you last wanna see, because this wakes up some hidden demon you have inside you, but quickly calmed down when best girl worries. damn, lucky bastard, I wish best girl would also worry about me.

So you all get off the ride and you were being happy, bit then the two girls come up and and act surprised seeing how you are there long lost adoptive brother.

This doesn't surprise yooouuhiiim I mean, doesn't surprise him because you are already done with them and want nothing to do with them, and best girl comes, has the small fight with the red girl, having a little explosion any fight would do, and you both walk away, with him, (damn him) worried about his sister and hugs her for greatfullness and comfort, while best girl blushes at this act. Hmm I wonder what this could mean?

So then it's initiation day, and you get launched at a forest to take down some pitch black animals while collecting a chess piece,why? Not to play chess that's for sure.

So you end up finding these three other characters we never seen before, let's call them Ursula, a hot dark blue hairs girl with a nack for reading, Nathaniel, the one nobody remembers because I don't bother writing his character and Samantha, a cheerful girl that has a crush on croc guy for some reason.

You all came to the conclusion that you'll all be a team, and then meet up with another team, one with the girls you wish were dead.

You throw a tantrum as the others tried to calm you, you end up calling for bad animals that want to kill, and you ignore you anger as you, with skills that I will not explain how you got them, lead your team to victory, and prove you are something like a chosen one.

Team thing happens with the principal that give them all there roles, and then it leads to your team, I realized I never gave croc kid a name, so let's name him Arnold.

So the team consist of Arnold, Nathaniel, Ursula and Samantha, with Arnold leading the team, and together they are known as team... Oh wait this is inappropriate, a well whatever, I just won't say the name. I'll let you guys figure it out.

Then through out the story, there's you being awesome, girls wishing you without a shirt on, bullcrap writing and a a part that would even make me feel really satisfied.

The end

And there we go, another fine RWBY fanfic just like every other.

Anyways, that's all I got for today.Go away now.

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