1. New kind of new

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A/N: In celebration of 'Why Can't We Just Be Friends?' Reaching 20,000 reads I am writing a sequel :D THANK YOU ALL ILY


Kellin's POV

"So, today is the day I move out." I said to no one in particullar, dragging my last bag into the hallway.

A car horn beeped from outside the house. That'll be my aunt; I have lived with her and my uncle for about a year and a half now, since...it happened.

In a way I'm sad I'm going, but I'm much more excited to finally be moving in with my boyfriend of two years! Thats right, me and Mr. Vic Fuentes have decided it's about time to get our own house!

Wandering outside, I dragged my last huddle of bags to the car. After I heaved the baggage into the boot, I ended up doing the cheesey thing where you look up at your house remenisantly. I didn't cry though.

Goodbye old, hello neeww!!! New being waking up to chocolate brown eyes and pale pink lips, ready to kiss, everyday. SQUEEEEE!

That thought quickly yanked me away from my former house, and flung me into the car. Taking a deep breath, I put on my seatbelt and yelled,"LETS A GOOOOOO!"

"Woah, okay Mario!" My aunt chuckled. I rolled my eyes at her, and tried not to jiggle about in my seat.

"So, are you excited?" She asked, keeping her eyes glued to the road.

"Yeah!" I cried, "Well, I think so..." I mumbled, suddenly what-if-ing.

"Well I'm glad you and Vic are reaching the next milestone in your relationship. It's so good yo-"

My brain zoned out, and I looked around at my surroundings, the light was slowly disipating from the sky.

"...You can finally have a place of your own, and..." My aunt rambled on, as she does.

A shadow snagged at the corner of eye, causing my head to snap to the side, I instantly feared the looming presence. The figure of a man was hunched against a nearby lamp post, the base of my skull started to pulsate. We passed the slumped shadow quickly, but I saw a bottle of drink in one hand and a cigarette grasped in the other.

"Ca-can you ss-top?" I uttered the words.

It can't be him. It can't be him. It's not him. It. Can. Not. Be. Him.

"What the car?" My aunt said, "Why? Whats wrong? Are you okay?" Her voice grew concerned.

"No- I...please stop the car." I mumbled feeling panic wash over me for the first time in....What? Months? I had almost forgot how horrible it is to have all sanity and rationality dragged away from you in just a moment.

It wasn't my dad. I knew it wasn't. It couldn't be. He's dead.

The nightmares had gotten less frequent, but I often still woke up scrambling away from a clenched fist, that only exists in my mind.

My aunt pulled over at the side of the road, and placed a tentative hand on my shoulder. "What happened?"

"It's nothing, just...can we go home?" I asked, heart still racing, head not quite focussed.

"What, as in, my house?" She asked, confusion creeping across her face.

"Yeah." I said slumping against the seat and sighing.

She restarted the car, and didn't try to make me explain. If I want to talk, I will, and she knows that.

After a few minutes of question filled silence, it all spilled out.

"I don't think I can live on my own, well not on my own, but you know Vic. If anyone broke in, he wouldn't be able to fend them off, what if we get hurt? What would we do? I'm not an adult. I cant pay bills. Wait, I am an adult? I wish I could be young again..." The tangled mess of thoughts twisting in my head fell out of my mouth in sentences that were mashed together incoherently.

"Kellin, sweety...Haven't you and Vic talked about this? Can't you just give it a go?" She responded.

"We have, and I really wanted to before, but with all these nightmares, I cant even control my emotions and I still feel like a child." I explained glumly.

"Well you know you're always welcome with us, but you can't stay a kid forever." She tried to say it kindly, but the terrifying statement only made me feel worse. Things are so simple when you are a child with no worries, just fun and love.

"I'm scared someone will start hurting me again, at college or something...Or worst of all, I might become like Dad..." I mumbled.

"Oh sweetie, you know that will never happen!" She cried, clearly shocked.

"I avoided the subject. Just tonight? Can I stay?" I asked.

She paused for a moment then said, "Yes! Yes! I can hardly force you out!"

"Thankyou." I breathed out.

Once we arrived home, I sat on my bed and stared at the wall.

I'm not ready to move out. I thought.

Almost 20 years old and I couldn't bear the thought of bills, and debts, and the sounds in the night, even when the love of my life would be next to me.

My phone flashed up.

Vic: Kellin? Where are you?

I ignored it, feeling guilty about it, but not wanting to explain incase he thought I didn't want to be with him at all.

Vic: Are you having second thoughts?

I should tell him. I thought.

Before I will myself to explain, or pick up the phone to tell him I loved him, exhaustion and emptiness took over me, and I collapsed onto the unmade bed.

All That I Know Is Gone {Kellic}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz