~chapter 2~

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"Yeah I'm a psychic it might be hard to believe but it's your choice to believe me or not."

Saiki said before giving teruhashi a cold look

Teruhashi looks down at her feet

'Wh-what kind of abilities do you have?..'

Teruhashi asked as she looks back up at saiki and making eye contact

"Well I have-"

After explaining to teruhashi what all abilities he had

'Y-y-you can read my mind!???? Kya!'

"Yes I am aware how you feel"

Saiki says before reaching his arm out to teruhashi


"Come on I'll take you to your house"

Teruhashi shook her head at his offer

'I-I wanna spend time with you though.. not that way though! I just wanna ask more questions!'

Teruhashi said while flailing her hands in  the air

"That's a lie but alright."

Saiki said before grabbing teruhashi's hand and teleporting them into a alley way

'Why are we?-'

Saiki continued walking out of the alley way

'Hey wait!'

Teruhashi said before running up to saiki

"Just ask your questions already.."

Saiki said

'How long have you been a psychic?'

"My whole life..it might sound nice being as powerful as me but it's not. my life sucks."

Saiki said while sighing

Teruhashi looked down

'I-i see'

Teruhashi said while letting a small sigh escape from her mouth

'Do you hate me..?'

Teruhashi said randomly

Saiki got taken aback from her question

"No of course I don't. I just don't like attention that's all. I actually think you're fine."

Saiki said softening his gaze a bit

Teruhashi's smile became brighter by that


Teruhashi asked while a small shade of red blush crept up on her face

Saiki simply nodded

Teruhashi smiled at saiki brightly

"Don't take it the wrong way."

Saiki said

'Hehe yeah okay!'

Teruhashi said while clasping her hands together and grinning

"Do you have anymore questions?"

'Oh.. no I just wanted to know if..maybe...*come on kokomi say it!*
'You would wanna..'*yes you got it!* 'go out sometime..?'

Teruhashi managed to say

Saiki raised an eyebrow

"I suppose but don't think I like you alright? I'm just saying this to be nice"

Teruhashi smiled brightly before running over and hugging saiki tightly


Saiki flinched


'H-huh? Oh! I'm sorry saiki'

Teruhashi said with a shade of bright red on her face

"Could you let go of me now...?"

Saiki asked while sighing

'Y-yeah sorry'

"So when and where tomorrow?"

Saiki asked

'Huh you wanna..go out tom-tomorrow!?'

"I mean why not."

'Well at 5:00 and at cafe mami!' (Sorry if I spelled it wrong)

"Alright then see you tomorrow"

Saiki said while walking away

Teruhashi smiled



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