responsibility p4

Start from the beginning

Ace looks him with anger sabo just had a bad day the blond looked at the window he eyes tround big ace let go of sabo swatter "yo are okay your face looks wired"the black raven boy pointed out sabo was turning ace around ace's eyes gone completely white

Inside their bedroom was FILLED WHITH WATER shoyo was still laughing "SHOYOOO"the two boys shouted at the same time.shoyo stopped Laughing And you know what I'm gonna have now? A nice relaxing bath, with real water! She happily replied, shoyo begins to slide down into the flood of two boys and luffyko room and gasps 

Dragon and Rosa  sitting on the front steps of the school "Well, it could've been worse" Dragon spoke "Are you kidding me?"rosa replied  She looked at her husband then looked at the paper "Look at the bill, how do you set fire to a swimming pool?"...

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Dragon and Rosa  sitting on the front steps of the school "Well, it could've been worse" Dragon spoke "Are you kidding me?"rosa replied  She looked at her husband then looked at the paper "Look at the bill, how do you set fire to a swimming pool?"she Quastioned  dragon floded his arm whith a smug "I know, pretty good, huh?" He said Rosa  gives him a death glare  "That we always there to see an eye on them?" He replied "..." the wife and husband  remembers the kids are still home alone, gets in the car and speeds home

Back to the house

Shoyo was struggling to open the window "Do something!" She yalled "Get on the bed and stay where you are. We'll figure out a way to rescue you"sabo deamed .Ace  and sabo are on the porch  "Don't worry! I'll smash the door in-"the raven boy said,  he headbutts the door and their  happens to be a huge crack but nothing happened  "Ah! You wouldn't know where the keys are by any chance, would you?"Ace asked sabo looks in the window, the keys float by underwater "Somewhere safe"he anerwsed  "Ah, what are we gonna do? He spoke then ace saw a manhole he looked at sabo whith a idiotic face sabo sighed

at the house's bathroom,

Ace  and sabo have evidently swum up the sewer pipe and gone out the toilet. Ace and sabo swim in their room where shoyo is waiting. Shoyo coughs up two chunks ofwater that he was holding in
Ace then looks at shoyo and smiled "Hey, how's it going?" He said niecly "I don't know, how do you think it's going?"she said sacatcliy sabo is trying to open the window, which is not opening  "Okay, take a deep breath." He said as graped her hand They swim down the stairs, where sabo finds the keys, but before they can open the door the keys are sucked out of his grip by the water pressure coming from the fireplace. Shoyo gets the idea to go out the chimney, so they move the couch and swim up and are caught in a violent geyser erupting from the chimne  "Woohoo!"They all celebrate  "Good job everyone!" Sabo replied happily The geyser suddenly stops, the kids are caught in midair, they all look down and start to scream, Gumball pulls out the diaper he put in his pocket  "Hey don't worry, we can use this .(he had a dipper in his heand) diaper as a parachute and float safely down to-"he was interrupted They hit the ground face first with a loud smack, they hear a car in the front yard and it turns out to be their parents coming home shoyo Gasps "They're back!" she pointedout,  "Oh no" three said in the sametime They duck back around the corner, rosa storms out of the car while dragon cautiously follows "See honey? I told you there was nothing to worry about" he said his face was clam while Rosa face looks like a demon she opens the door and a huge burst of water hits them, leaving them filthy and stunned  "Hi"the three waved .Rosa face was reviled  "Thank heavens you're safe!" She said ,She runs up to shoyo and gives her a hug  "So you're not angry at us for trashing the house?"she qastioned he face was alive "Oh no. Angry doesn't BEGIN TO COVER IT!!!!!!!" She yelled like a demon her husband was praying for the three trouble makers the two boys face was frightened
Shoyo face was alrmed

the interior of the house, with the whole family there "How do you burn a TV underwater?" He spoke Rosa screamed  "Who is responsible for this!?" She yelled ace,sabo and shoyo look shocked "Ma, it's my—"she worryingly said "No, I've got this." He crougelying said  No, Ace , it was me that left the faucet running"she tried to explain "Please, sho, let your childhood friend  be responsible for once in his life." Shoyo gets teary-eyed, and runs over to give ace a hug "Thanks,Ace. "She thanked him ace breathes in and begins to tell rosa what happened "he said seriously Miss Rosa.....  he Sees rosa with blazing eyes "It was sabo."He said as he Points to sabo,sabo face was all annoyed "What?! It was her that flooded the place!" he angryly said he Points to shoyo "I thought you were going to take the rap! Anyway, it was clearly Ma's fault. She was the one who left ace and sabo in charge"she shouted .Well it—it's Dad's fault for not telling me about a babysitter!"she snapped back "Well, none of this would've happened if it wasn't for you!he said dragon Points to a broken pitrue

Well it—it's Dad's fault for not telling me about a babysitter!"she snapped back "Well, none of this would've happened if it wasn't for you!he said dragon Points to a broken pitrue

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Everyone falls silent for a moment  "Um, who are you blaming here "The babysitter who else?"he replied back

Everyone then agrees


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