Chapter 19

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All day when keely went to see her mom I made sure EVERYTHING was done, I'm really trying to save our relationship because I know that it can be saved and I love keely so much I really don't wanna break up but I don't think she's trying as much as she's saying she is.

Everything I seem to do pisses keely off or annoys her, I fed Oaka this morning and she moaned at that saying I need to let her do it so that it's done properly so she basically can't trust me to look after my own child when if I remember rightly she left Oaka unattended when she wasn't very old and she hurt herself but I won't moan and argue with her about it because I know she just wants to be a perfect parent and she's such a good mom I'm really proud of her.

We said that we didn't want Oaka to be the child at school who's parents are the parents that have spilt up but it looks like that plans going out the window and I'm trying to save us but Keelys giving up and it makes me really sad, she doesn't even say it back to me when I say I love her anymore and she's always asking if I've been cheating on her which I HAVENT because I wouldn't, she's the girl I love and there isn't any other.

Keely came back from her moms

"Hey babe." I said.

"Hey." She answered she tried to act happy but I knew she wasn't.

"Did you see your mom?" I asked, I kinda cringed because I thought she'd say "Well obviously." Or something but she didn't.

"Yeah I did." She answered.

"I tidied up." I told her.

"Good good." She half smiled and I sighed it obviously wasn't good enough.

"What's the matter Nash?" She asked.

"Nothing babe why." I answered acting as though nothing was up when really everything is up at the moment.

"Are you hiding something from me because if you are-."

"No I'm not would you please stop asking me that I'm not hiding anything." I told her moodily because she keeps asking me this.

"You just keep sighing every time I say something so if there's a problem then tell me." She said.

"There isn't a problem I just thought you would appreciate me cleaning that's all." I said.

"And I do baby just because I don't show it I'm just in a bad place at the moment." She td me and I just nodded then she walked away.

I sighed again for like the millionth time this week.

Keely said she is in a bad place which means her problem is me I don't know what to do any more I'm trying so hard and everything I do isn't good enough but we do just need time to sort things out and it will all be okay again.........................................................................................................I hope.

A/N 😒😔😔 I'm sorry guys it's getting sad

GOODBYE NASH GRIER.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz