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It's been about 2 months after I had my miscarriage and I was making sure no one knew anything. So we just laid around and slept for a few days just taking time to ourselves.
I have been kind of bored lately because I've stayed home for a few months so I decided I wanted to go on a date with Jaden.
"What" Jaden asked
"Wanna go on a date?" I said laughing
"Oh would I" he said getting excited
"Yeah. Let's go out to eat" I said looking in the closet for a outfit.
"Yay" he said looking for one to
It was about a hour later we were both ready. I was wearing a short Black dress and he was wearing black jeans and a white t shirt. We got in the car and drove off. We decided to go to this restaurant called debs and we ate. I was glad I got to have a night with Jaden because we haven't really went out together on like a real date. After we ate he wanted to go to the beach and I agreed so we could watch the sunset together.
"Babe?" Jaden looks at me
"What" he said as he pulled into the beach parking lot
"Thank you!!" I said looking at him as he parked
"For what?" He asked laughing
"Everything" I said as I leaned in and kissed him
3 hours later
It was currently 9 pm and we decided to head home.
We were jamming out to music and just having a good time on our way home.
"Did you have fun" Jaden asked looking at me
Jaden's POV
I had so much fun on our date! I wanna do more like this with her she makes me so happy.
Back to Kelly's POV
Then everything went black... 
As my eyes were closed I couldn't wake up. But I seen flashing lights and heard voices. Then I went under again.


I was in a place I've never seen before.
It was a house. It drew me inside and I seen Jaden and me and a little girl and I was pregnant. They were in the living room dancing. I tried to talk but no words came out...then I was in a hospital room and Jaden was laying on the bed and his parents and sisters were next to him crying. I'm so scared. Then everything went dark again...

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