
"We traced the serial numbers on the bills confiscated at the club where Thaddius Rogers, AKA T-Rod was, and they don't match any from the banks" Erin said. "They do, however, match the bills that were confiscated in a home invasion robbery two days ago in Gold Coast. This older woman named Ellen Prager. This lady was so paranoid that her sons were going to dip into her lottery cash that she marked all of the bills" Kevin said. "T-Rod and his boys must've used the cell jammer to block her security system, which works on a cellular signal. They tied Prager up, cracked her safe, and stole 200K in cash" Erin said. "So it's not the same tracker that the bank crew used" Voight asked. "Afraid not" Erin said. "All right, get her down here, set up a lineup. Let's get T-Rod ID'd and charged with that crime" Voight said. "Sarge, I've been doing a little research on Upton's files from Robbery-Homicide. I think I found something" Adam said.

Adam led us to the garage where he had a map set up with little colored houses on it. "All right, these red pieces are the banks that have already been hit. Now, what do the banks that they've already hit have in common? They're all credit unions that don't have counter-to-ceiling bullet-proof teller windows. I've narrowed it down, and these green pieces signify the last three banks downtown that don't have teller glass, and they're all within a few blocks of freeway entrances or Lakeshore Drive, which makes it real easy for a motorcycle to just disappear" Adam said. "All right. Break up into teams. Check out these banks and their surveillance cameras, see if anyone's casing them" Voight said.

So, the crew ended up going to the bank Jay and Erin were at, and while one of the robbers died from being shot by Erin, they did manage to grab one of the other robbers and bring him back to the district. Right now though, it was looking like the crew was made up of a couple of kids. "All right, call the public defender's office and get a Juvenile Advocate down here" Voight told Adam. "Done and done" he said. "Hey Sarge. In Upton's files, I found something of interest. Does he look familiar to you" I ask and show them a picture of the kid that him and Kevin had in the interview room. "That's Corey Jenkins, 14. Upton got his prints from Child Services. He's a runaway foster child from Harvey" I say. "From Harvey" Kevin asked. "Yeah, one of your hometown boys" I say. "Got anything else in that file" Voight asked me. "Actually, yeah. This guy, Lavar Spann. He was in the same file as Corey. She wrote a bunch of notes on the back, but her handwriting's worse than mine" I say. "Get her down here" Voight told me.

A few minutes later, I was told Detective Upton was downstairs, so I headed down and saw her talking to Platt. "Ln, Detective Goldilocks here is saying that she was called in to talk to Voight" Platt said to me. "Goldilocks? You got a nickname too" I ask. "Guess so" Upton said. "Well then, I'm Detective Bombshell" I say. "Bombshell" Upton questioned. "Yeah. Sergeant Platt, would you explain why that's my nickname" I say. "Because she's the best looking female cop in the district" Platt said. "And also because I was hit by a piece of shrapnel from a bomb once" I add. "Huh. Interesting" Upton said. "Anyways, I'm Detective Ln, but you can call me Yn" I say. "I'm Hailey" Upton said. "Nice to meet you Hailey. We're all waiting for you upstairs" I say and lead her up to the bullpen.


"All right, let's get eyes on Spann. We're going around the clock on this one. Hey, where are we at ID-ing these kids" Voight asked. "All the kids working in Spann's shop have juvie records: underage drinking, possession, assault. They're the future leaders of tomorrow" Adam said. "All right, Al, gas up the van, and call Halstead. Upton, you want in" Voight asked. "Uh, sure" Hailey said. "All right, and Upton. We're going to start surveillance on Spann" Voight said.

While Al, Jay, and Hailey were on a stake out, Kevin was trying to talk to Corey, and Adam, Erin, and I were looking for more information. "I just got a call from the state crime lab. There were spent shell casings recovered at all six banks, but any fingerprints on the casings burnt off in the chamber before the shells were ejected. However, a dozen rounds recovered were from misfires, so the lab sent these to AFIS, and they analyzed the partial thumbprints left on the primers by whoever loaded the clips. They got two hits: Bobby and Darren Wilkes. The brothers got printed two years ago when they were arrested in a smash-and-grab robbery" Erin said. "And they both work at Spann's car lot" I add. "Thank God for cheap ammo" Adam said. "Okay, so, what do we have on these two" Voight asked. "All we know about the boys is that they took off from their foster home a few months ago. Now they supposedly crash at a foreclosed home that their real family used to own West Monroe" Erin said. "Good work. Grab them" Voight said.

At the house, we found the Wilkes brothers, and both of them had been shot and killed. "This happened 15 minutes before we got there. It had to be a hit" Erin said. "Spann is tying up loose ends" Al said. "Any idea who the shooter was" Jay asked. "No. Not yet, but we got patrol canvassing a ten-block area" Kevin said. "That teenager we saw on a dirt bike when we were in the van, Sammy Ray, I ran his plate and got a hit on a POD camera. Guess where he was spotted earlier. A block away from the Wilkes brothers' house. Not only did the POD spot him, but a neighbor from across the street stated he saw Sammy run into the foreclosed home, jump on a loud bike, and take off like a bat out of hell. When Ray was 12, he used a baseball bat to put his stepfather in a coma. Did two years in juvie, ten months in a psychiatric facility. Now he runs errands for Spann from time to time" Hailey said. "Ah, double murder. That's a hell of an errand" Adam said. "You got a location" Voight asked. "License plate's actually registered to a Tana Pearson, Sammy Ray's girlfriend. Her LKA is in there" Hailey said and handed Voight a file. "Lets hit it. Good work" Voight said to her.

We went to Sammy's girlfriend's house, got him, and then brought him back to the district where Erin and Hailey were interviewing him. While they were doing that, Kevin was talking to Corey again to see if we could get something out of him. "Corey agreed to give a statement" Kevin said to all of us. "His juvenile advocate signed off on that" I ask. "Yeah. She's alerting the State's Attorney as we speak so that she can witness the written statement signed" Kevin said. "Well played, brother" Adam said. "How'd you get him to turn" Al asked. "I mean, he saw his best friends shotgunned. That hit him pretty hard. And, uh, I told him we'll take care of him. We got Spann" Kevin said.

However, after that, Voight convinced Corey not to make his statement because bad things would come his way. So, even if we couldn't get Spann on accessory to murder or conspiracy to armed robbery, we did get him on serving alcohol to minors, and that would put him in prison for a little while.

That night, it was Jay's birthday, so Kevin, Adam, and I were treating him to drinks at Molly's. When I arrived, Adam and Kevin were already there. They were standing around a table sipping whiskey. "Hey, Jay" I say. Jay turned around, and he smiled when he saw me. "Hey. Thanks for coming" he said. "No problem. Happy birthday" I say and give him a hug. For a second, it felt like Jay and I had never broken up, and we were still together. However, when the hug ended, so did that dream, and it felt like we were just friends again. "All right, next round is on me" I say. "Good. We need more drinks here" Adam said. "I'm on it" I say.

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