Vlogs are for ugly people

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We ended the call after an hour of working out and 30 minutes of dance before I decided to call Payton

Y/n: okay guys so the next thing is... call Payton
Again I would time lapse through this and any parts I didn't want people seeing I would just skip

Payton: Y/n. Hey
He moved to what I'm guessing was his bed and sat the phone down in front of him
Payton: did you get home okay? Was the fight nice?
He asked as he tried to make conversation
Payton: I mean obviously it was kinda stormy yesterday and everything but-
Y/n: Payton I think we should take a break
I blurted out before looking away from the phone and at the dog that had just trotted into the room
Payton: what? You're breaking up with me?
He asked shocked
Well kinda
Y/n: technically no... but like I don't think we should carry on with whatever this is, I just think we are 2 totally different people and we both have different needs and dreams
I explained as I turned back to face him
Payton: what do you mean 2 totally different people? Y/n your dreams are the same as mine... literally
He shrugged
Y/n: okay sure- but I don't think this is working
I told him
Payton: you're like every fucking girl I've been with, what is it this time? You just don't feel the same way? I'm not good enough? Well-
Y/n: Payton in no part of this discussion did I say anything about you not being good enough or any of those other words you're putting in my mouth... you're my everything but you're also not the person I want to be with at this moment-
Oh no I've messed up
Payton: says the person who gave me the fucking lap dance... is this what you do? Lead guys along so they think they have every fucking thing they wanted in this world, and they fall for you before you break it off?
He asked annoyed as he didn't waste a minute to wipe away the tear that was rolling down his cheek
Y/n: okay that's not fair- I liked you
I sighed
Payton: okay well there's the proof that you don't anymore... literally fuck you.
Then he ended the call

I deserved that.

I sighed before getting back up and getting changed since today my dad was taking us all to a fancy ass restaurant as my welcome home present

Sure I hate him but hell I don't hate his money

Y/n: make his pockets hurt like you never before, make him spend all his money on you and maybe some more, don't play games as you pick up the phone just say hey daddy can I have a money loan, yes please... I need it now I have haven't got no money since there's no charli in town, woah woah woah I am so broke so let's go spend daddy's money unprovoked- the fuck that doesn't rhyme
I sang my made up song as I finished my hair and went onto Instagram
Y/n: bla bla bla click through so I can get rid of all the circles
I said to myself as I flicked through everyone's stories.

That's when I saw this on Payton's

Don't trust anyone
That shit isn't worth it
Don't get a girl
She will play you but act like she did nothing
Don't try and be happy
Cus there's always that one person to ruin it
Don't play me cus you will regret it x(

Y/n: awe he's making a song about me
I cooed sarcastically
Y/n: I wonder what it's called
I pondered to myself as I clicked to the next story

Bitch in heels

Y/n: jokes on you... I don't wear heels... ah maybe I do
I admitted as I looked down to the black heels on my feet
Y/n: frick you

FROM A LAPDANCE TO THIS- completed Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz