Chapter 1: Scott

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"Oh! This my jam!" I shouted turning the volume up on my radio. I started tapping on the steering wheel, my head dancing along to the beat.

"I'm a barbie girl! In a barbie world!" I put a fist up and started pumping my fist. "Life as plastic! It's fantastic!"

I pulled into Westerson High's parking lot. I started mouthing the words to the rest of the song and pulled up into a spot.

I proceeded to wiggle in an attempt to dance to the song and undid my seatbelt. I looked up and saw two people headed my way. I panicked and changed the station.

"I don't fuck wit chu!" Blasted on the radio. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and took my keys out of the ignition.

I opened the door and climbed out of my car. I smiled at the two teens headed in my direction. "Hey Laura. Hey Ben."

Ben gripped my shoulder, "Did you hear that music playing?"

I gulped, "What music?"

Laura chimed in, "The music that was playing over there." She pointed to the car on my left. I turned my head and shrugged. "What music was it?"

Ben smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "It was sex music, man." I coughed.

"Your definition of sex music are songs like Bumpy Ride and S&M. So it could've just been a normal song."

"No, Scott. It was Careless Whisper." Laura stated holding back laughter. As she said this a couple climbed out of a car. The girls hair was a mess and her clothes were wrinkled. The boy had a huge smile on his face. His face was a slight shade of red. His clothes were also a wrinkled mess.

Ben laughed, "Some people just can't help but get freaky in the morning."

Laura smiled, "Can't stop it. So why not join them?"

"Are you serious?" I asked, quirking up my eyebrow and moving towards the school steps. Laura and Ben followed.

"Only if you want me to be."

"You're ridiculous, Laura." I replied chuckling. I opened the door to the school and we made our way through the halls. I started swinging my car keys on my index finger. They flew off and landed at my feet. I bent down to pick it up.

"Damn," I heard Laura say, "Take a look at that ass Ben."

"I'm looking. I'm looking." He whistled and I stood up. I rolled my eyes at them and kept walking.

"Look at that thing jiggle, Laura. I swear to god, he must do some squats or something." He gave my butt a pat and I jumped. He ran past me and started walking backwards.

"Give me a call when you want to have a gay experience." He winked at me and ran off into the hall.

"I hope you're not about to do that Laura or I swear to god you'll regret it."

"Oh, how?" She asked. I knew she was testing me.

"Do you want an answer to that question?"

"I'll take my chances then!" She exclaimed giving my butt a light tap before heading off towards her class.

I groaned and turned towards my locker. They're so crazy. How did a person like me end up with friends like that?

I turned my dial and opened my locker. I opened my bag and grabbed my binder. I threw my bag in and closed my locker.

I headed down the hall and went to class. I sat down and put my headphones in. I played my music and looked out the window.

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