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earth is the only planet not named after a god

it is the third closest planet to the sun

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the next day afterschool, kenma decided that he couldn't let y/n drift away from him.

he wanted to know why she is so distant.

"y/n!" kenma yelled. "wait!"

y/n flinched a bit, but she continued to walk, just a little bit slower this time.

kenma caught up to her. "is there anything bothering you?"

"no, not really." she mumbled while looking at the floor.

kenma did not believe it a single bit. 

"y/n? i feel like you are hiding from me. did i hurt you." kenma questioned as he looked a y/n with a hint of sadness in his voice. he usually does not like pressuring people to speak, but he didn't like things being hiden from him either.

especially if it involved him.

y/n sighed. she turned her head and stared right in to his eyes. she furrowed her eyebrows and spoke.

"kenma? am i distracting you" she said. "i feel like im always talking, and you don't seem intrested. plus i kind of find myself annoying too. so if i ever talk too much, please say so." 

kenma was a bit taken back.

"no, i'm sorry." he muttered.

y/n panicked a little. she didn't mean to blame kenma in anyway, it's simply asking him what he thinks about her. before she could protest, he continued.

"i'm sorry if i don't seemed focused. but i am. in fact i can remember everything you told me about." 

kenma wasn't lying. he was indeed on his phone most of the time, but he was listening to you too. he liked your voice, the way you speak. he was just embarrased to show it, but he didn't know it was actually bothering you.

"hmm. then do you know my birthday?"

"(date of birth)."

"my grandma's dog's name?"


"what did i tell you last week after school on thursday?"

"you were going to join the chess club with yaku."

y/n's eyes widened. "woahhh!" she exclaimed. "you really do listen!"

kenma smiled a bit.

"of course! you are important to me afterall."

y/n was a bit flustered as she looked at the ground, trying to hide the light pink blush that was appearing on her cheeks.

then, kenma did something he never thought he even guts to do.

he nudged y/n's hands lightly. y/n looked up at him. they stared at each other, just for a few second. which is enough to make both of their hearts beat rapidly against their chest.

he was a bit hesitant at first, clinging on to y/n's fingers. then he slowly but surely wrapped his hands around y/n's.

"u-uh um...?" y/n stared at kenma, both embarassed and confused.

kenma panicked. "oh! um- if you want to let go-"

"its fine." y/n reassured.

 y/n was a tiny bit uncomfortable, but that just made her squeeze his hands a little tighter. she turned her head, showing sudden intrest in the cars that's passing by.

he found that reaction made him blush more. he felt himself burning up, the hoodie he wore was uncomfortably humid. kenma tried to say something, but he couldn't exactly find the words he needed to describe how he felt. 

or it was the fact that he was too busy staring at y/n to even think about speaking.

they both walked silently after that. no one spoke a word. however non of them weren't complaining about that either.

they were both drowned in their own thoughts.

the only sound you could hear were the cars passing by.

the quiet taps of their footsteps.

and the rhythmic thumps of their heartbeat.

𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 (𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘮𝘢 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now