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3rd person POV

"Please, you can't take her off support, just one more year, one more month, please," he begged.

The nurse, Lucy, who was close to tears from giving the sad news her diagnosed ex-coworker would be taken off life support. And she had to give it to Peter, who every doctor and nurse or staff in the hospital loved. He voice broke, "I'm so so sorry Peter, it's... she's never going to get better, and we've already extended her limit to another few months, we can't do it again. I'm sorry."

Peter's face twisted and he started crying harder. He would have fought with the nurse, hell, he'd would've fought with the whole health care system to keep his aunt alive. But it was useless, he knew it, and still resented it. And knowing it was right, and still fighting, possibly ending other patients lives that could've been recovered if he fought in vain would just kill him. So Peter wiped at his face and nodded, turning around, his shoulders brought up to his ears. He faintly heard Lucy say "I'm sorry" again, but didn't act like he heard it. He just headed out of the hospital, ignoring the looks of sympathy everyone gave him when they saw a crying boy exiting a hospital and walked out, feeling numb from the world. He forgot about the cars in the street as he crossed it. He forgot about the people shouting and staring. He forgot about the black car Happy was in at the front and how Happy was shouting at him. He forgot about his dad, who was in the bathroom as the nurse sought him out.

Everything in the world disappeared on that walk home, and the only thing that stopped Peter from accidentally walking onto a deserted street road, right in front of a bus, was a grip on his shoulder that spin him around. Peter turned effortlessly around and looked at the persons shirt numbly, ready to walk away with an apology before they spoke.

"Hey, kid."

He suddenly knew who it was and jumped into Tony's arms, sobbing into his shoulder and Tony in a second had his arms around the boy, holding him tight as he cried into his shirt. When tony came out of the bathroom and saw Peter had disappeared, he asked the nurse where he went and she said he left after being told his aunt was going to be off life support in 48 hours. And when he went out and saw Happy, he was informed Peter left without a word to him or anything; So he knew why Peter was sobbing at the moment.

"I'm s-sor-ry D-ad fo-r lea-ving w-with-out y-you," Peter Said between sobs. Tony began to pick Peter up when their car pulled up to the side and Happy rolled down the window, breaking his normal annoyed expression for a concerned one. Peter had the man in a death grip around his ribs and continued crying into Tony's chest while he was picked up bridal-style and brought to the car. With Peter sitting on his lap, Tony Stark sat on the seat and rubbed the boys back, shutting the door behind him. With a simple shake of his head, Happy nodded and refrained from asking his million questions, sliding up the black wall between them and him.

The whole ride to the tower, Peter was held by Tony as he explained what happened with the nurse and apologized over and over for leaving him.

"It Alright Pete. It's going to be okay," he whispered and started to rock the boy gently, something he learned helped Peter calm down over the time he knew him. Peter relaxed the slightest, and from that action felt safer in his dads arms.

He soon felt sleepy, the exhausting and day full of stress and bad news, not to mention dealing with school was wearing him down and after another thirty seconds Peter was asleep, still cradled in Tony's arms. The older man was very protective of him, with all that's happened how couldn't he? And when Peter was sad, he did everything in his power to cheer him up, because when Peter bleeds, he does too.

Happy brought them to the tower, since when the boy woke up and would want to visit his aunt he'd be closer instead of an hour drive to the mansion. Tony waited for Happy to open the door before sliding out, readjusting his grip on Peter and heading into the towers lobby and into the elevator, careful not to wake him up (or drop him). The only one surprised person instead of worried at the sight of the billionaire Tony Stark holding the sleeping Peter (who'd obviously been crying) in his arms was the new guard, Daniel; every worker, intern, staff, tour guide or guard inside the tower had to sign an NDA saying the wouldn't leak anything they found out, and in bold letters on the paper, that it included leaking anything on Tony's son, or the fact Peter wasn't just an intern. Daniel got quick looks of reassurance that this was absolutely normal by his coworkers, who mumbled they'd explain later.

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