Chapter 1: Welcome to Hong Kong

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Thomas Merlyn looks at the information and is puzzled yet excited that his long-lost buddy could really be alive. He grabs his laptop and goes to see a computer expert he's friended when she accidentally burned him with her latte at the local coffee shop.

"Hey Izzie?"

"It's Felicity, like I've told you half a dozen times before."

"I heard you the first time."

She rolls her eyes. "So, why do I also feel like I'm on your beck and call when you need something?" She moves some post up notes to the side. Keeping her hands busy helps her a tad. Sometimes Tommy Merlyn is too much. A range of feelings can overtake her when dealing with him. Unusually he gets plenty of warm hugs but there are plenty of times her hands want to wring his neck. She has a feeling this visit is leading to the latter.

"Because I'm a nice guy."

"Yea, no that isn't it."

"Because... you're a nice girl?" She gives him 'you really going there' look.

"Remember the stuff you nicely put together for me after spilling your latte on me?"

There has been a long-standing time period since that moment and every time he brings it up her cheeks turn a bright plushy pink "Okay, you said you'd let the incident go."

"I said I forgave you for those blisters. Not that I said I'd forget."

"I was hoping you'd forget everything after I tried half pulling that shirt off of you in front of so many people and blowing on your angry red skin."

"Hard to forget." Watching her get flustered even after how well they have been getting along since that incident. He loves seeing how if he is lucky, she'll go into a long drivel of words. Normally one of them lands up getting embarrassed. Tommy says shaking his head as he is on a mission and needs her help, "Anyways I got a hit on ones of those search thingies you set up a while ago."

"Okay, what do you mean?"

"There was a hit on Ollie's email account."

"Your dead friend?"

Tommy closes his eyes as he sighs, Ollie is... was his best friend who he considered like a brother. "Yes Izzie. I'll need more than just for you to look at the IP address, I might need you to travel with me."

"Travel? I have work and..."

"I'll pay you and..." he rolls his eyes "I'll even help you paint those walls in your new townhouse."

"Hmmm... it seems I could have gotten you to..."


"Okay, I'll ask for some time off."

"Thank you!"

In Hong Kong, Oliver learns that he is to sniper kill someone. He aims the gun and when the person turns, he is amazed that it is his best friend Tommy and he isn't alone there is a blonde woman laughing at something his friend just said. There is no way he can kill the man. It takes him a few hours but Oliver comes up with a better plan than killing his best friend.

The morning before the whole kidnapping routine takes place and Oliver is supposed to kill the blonde and make it look like a mugging. He sighs and finishes dressing in a hurry. After the whole debacle at the internet café he wonders if Maseo will trust him near telecommunication areas. They have an informant to meet so they head out.

Out in the small park near some docks they witness a gathering of people decorating the place.

"What's happening over there?" Oliver asks just wondering what the fuss is about.

P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!?Where stories live. Discover now