The Wild Prince

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"Tyril wake up!" Nedann whispered as he shook her. She sat up and looked around the room. Velu was sitting against the wall with Myca and Nedann was next to her.

"Something's happening. Velu's got a plan." Nedann said, and Tyril looked at Velu inquiringly.

"I can feel your expectations rising." Velu said. "Keep them down if you can, we need to be calm if we're to do this."

"Escape?" Tyril said, and by their expressions she could see she was right. "How?"

Myca stood up and came closer, Velu followed holding onto his arm. They sat down next to Tyril who was suddenly slightly frustrated by how they were treating her. She wasn't weak, indeed she felt stronger than before; it was as if her journey had unlocked deeper sources of power within her. They looked excited, however, and Velu's calm nature kept Tyril silent.

"These Wild Daghym think they are like me." Myca said. "They think their rebellion has made them stronger, but they're ignorant. Living in the desert, they have forgotten everything we taught them. In truth, they never cared for that knowledge in the first place. We teach our children about our past, and about the four races of the Realm, but they don't learn anything here."

"We can use that to our advantage." Velu added. "For instance, Nedann could have broken that door down the moment we were thrown in here. These Wild Daghym didn't realise that."

Tyril glanced at Nedann. "Really, how?" She asked.

"Cold things are brittle." Nedann grinned. "Don't worry, I didn't figure it out either, I've always been better with fire."

Myca started again.

"We Daghym have long lived close to the Fierim, our weaknesses are their strengths, so we learn from each other." He said in a royal tone. Velu cleared her throat, and Myca grinned, then he fell into a more casual tone.

"More to the point then. I once heard that well trained Fierim can freeze even stone so that it can be broken by hand."

"Exaggeration." Nedann added. "Depends on whose hand is used, we always had the Daghym to help us."

"So let's do it!" Tyril said, excitement swelling quickly in her chest.

"I asked Nedann not to." Velu said. "We need a better plan."

"We can't just escape, either." Tyril mused. "We need to get back the sceptre, we need to find Deliam."

"Well the Wild Daghym Prince has always liked regalia to show his power. He's had a crown made, and a staff." Myca said. "The sceptre will be with him, although I doubt he knows of its power."

"But if he did?" Tyril knew the answer.

"He could control the Soulless, and he would waste no time to lead them in an invasion."

"Our opponents are naive but wicked; our plan should be a good one." Said Velu.

"Well they won't expect us to go for their Prince; they'll expect us to run." Said Nedann.

"Yes." Myca nodded and became determined. "It's a cruel world they've made for themselves, battle decides every outcome. Even a Prince can be overthrown in battle."

"Battle? So if we defeat him..."

"Not we, I." Myca said with glinting eyes. "I will defeat him, and then the rest will follow my word."

"So we escape only to run straight towards our enemy." Nedann said after a while.

Myca stood up and gestured for Nedann to follow him to the door, and when Tyril looked at Velu she looked afraid.

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