Servant of Death

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"He's my oldest friend, I needed no one else, sir."

Tyril wavered; she didn't know what title to use for the King. She glanced at Nedann but he was staring at the giant Daghym that was again eyeing him with interest.

"It's true, and all Daghym will agree: one friend is worth ten allies. It is a principle we all live by. I too deeply trust everyone that fights by my side as close friends."

After he had spoken Tyril became uncomfortable, not knowing what to say. The King saw this and broke the silence again.

"Of course. Our plight does not give us leave for proper greetings. I apologise if you are exhausted but we must speak about our newest problems."

He beckoned for them to follow him and left the dome. They followed him outside and into a tent directly opposite the entrance. Inside the tent was a large wooden table on which many pieces of parchment lay. These showed maps and tactical plans used for the battle to hold Renegen's hordes off to the north. Tyril knew they had been fighting against Renegen's forces for many weeks and that Leogorath was the only reason Pyriam was still safe. For this reason Pyriam sent any help they could spare to Leogorath to aid the warriors. The king led them to the table and showed them a detailed map of northern Leogorath. Many lines were drawn on it representing fronts of battle.

Some lines blocked the creatures' advance past the mountains and towards Pyriam. Others protected Leogorath itself from direct attack and from the west. The king pointed out a blue line that snaked down from the mountains and past Leogorath to the west.

"This is the river Grenn, it flows past Leogorath and gives us all our water. Also, the Urudi reeds that grow along its banks are edible and provide most of our food. The river could also, however, be our weakness, because recently the Soulless have shown more resiliency towards the White Water that the Fierim use. If this immunity grows stronger they could possibly be able to swim. In that case, the Grenn will bring them right to the heart of Leogorath."

Tyril already knew she would be of little help. She understood that the White Water had been the only power that was able to hold the creatures at bay. If swords and spears were all they could attack with then the Daghym would soon be overpowered by the masses of Soulless.

"I'm not sure, sir. All my research indicates that they have always (ever since their creation by Thyos) been weak against water or at least afraid of it. This is their first change in their existence." She said.

"What we need to know now is how much time we have to prepare before they learn to swim." The King said looking expectantly at her.

"I would have to study immunity like this, sir, perhaps if I could compare their changes with our own adaptations. Do you have a library?"

"Our scripts are few but are all kept in a tent by the sleeping quarters." He replied with a disappointed tone. "We really need to have these questions answered as soon as possible."

"I will start studying immediately, sir. Perhaps by tomorrow morning I will have an answer."

"Good." The king seemed resigned to the conclusion.

With nothing left to discuss Tyril and Nedann left the tent and was led to the sleeping quarters. They were each given a tent of their own. Leaving Nedann at his tent Tyril asked to be shown to the library. A Daghym woman led her to another large tent.

Inside there were several crude shelves that held books and bound parchment and a few wooden chairs. Taking a few books with promising titles she sat down and started to read, feeling immediately as if she had never left home.

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