Chapter 5: quidditch practice

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Hermiones point of view:
A good few weeks had passed since i had started Hogwarts. Most evenings I would hang out with Fred... and George of course. I mean its nearly impossible to seperate the two, its like they are glued together. They would often talk to me about finding this new seeker for something called... quidditch? Id heard about it somewhere, most likely in a book but i couldnt remember. They have this really long list of names... Abby Powell, Noah Jacks, Tommy Lewis and so on. But the problem is, Neither Fred or George can agree on one.
"Tommy is perfect for the Gryffindor seeker George!" Fred would yell.
"Have you met the guy he cant keep up with a slug when hes flying!" George would yell back. This went on for several nights. Barely anyone would stay in the common room when Fred and George arrived because they were always so chaotic. Often, me Fred, George, Lee would be on two of the couches talking on an evening: and on the other couch was Ron and Harry. Harry spoke to me occasionally, usually about work but still... Ron on the other hand, he doesnt seem to like me. I dont know why I've done nothing wrong.

Freds point of view:
"Pssst Fred! Fred?" A faint voice whispered. "FRED WEASLEY! GET YOUR *SS UP NOW BEFORE I MAKE YOU GET UP!" I quickly jumped out of bed to mums yell... wait a minute why would mum be at Hogwarts? I looked around the room and then I saw it. George and Lee were standing across the room, both snickering. "Im gonna kill you George!" I said as i bolted towards him. Georges face became starteled very fast as he ran out of the common room slamming the door behind him. "You have practice in an hour Fred. Don't be late and remember to eat," Lee said before walking out chuckling. I quickly got changed into my quidditch kit, it was a Saturday morning so quidditch practice was gonna be extra long today. We also heard news from our team captin Oliver, that Mcgonigall has found a seeker. Apparently were having out first ever first year student join the team. Ive heard alot of rumours, some people say its Harry others think its this other student names James something. My bets on it being Harry and so is Georges. I quickly ran downstairs into the common room to meet George. "You dont still want to kill me for doing an impression of mum right?" George said refusing to let his guard down without an answer first. "Dont know yet, depends on how much you annoy me today mate," I said teasingly. A chuckle came from behind me. I turned around and standing behind me was hermione, she had a large smile on her face. She looked tired but still happy. "Could you be any louder guys? Everyone in the girls common rooms are awake now!" She said with a giggle. A smile spread across my face without a thought and i felt myself go slightly red in the face. "Oi Fred!" George said snapping me out of whatever just happened, a grin appearing on his face as if he knew something. "We need to go down to breakfast quickly otherwise we wont have anything to eat. Hermione are you coming or-
"In my pajamas! Of course not, ill meet you down there in like 5 minutes." She said. Me, George and Lee all walked down the stairs and to the main hall, making jokes to pass the time.

Hermione's point of view:
I quickly ran back upstairs going into my dorm room. The other two girls were asleep so I tried to remain quiet. Since it was Saturday i changed into comfy clothes. I put on a pair of light was denim jeans and a red jumper as I decided that I wanted to watch practice so it would be cold. I grabbed my wand, putting it in my pocket for safe keeping and grabbed a book so that I could read if I was bored. I chose to take a book called "Alice in Wonderland." It was a muggle book which my parents use to read to me on an evening. I quickly ran out the dorm room and to the great hall.
About 5 minutes had passed since i sat down at the table. Ron and Harry were opposite me, talking about quidditch, Harry looked really nervous. Fred and George stood up to go to practice early. "See you at practice Harry," thry said. Lee stayed seated, still eating his bowl of cheeri owls. I grabbed a piece of toast from the tray and popped it on my plate. I looked around awkardly hoping someone would talk to me. Ron and I werent exactly close. We hadnt spoke much at all actually... whenever Harry and I would talk he stayed silent as if he were waiting for it to be over.
"Hey Hermione, you okay?" Harry said awkwardly glancing at me. I snapped out of my thoughts trying to think of a quick responce.
"Im good, just thinking about weather to go watch practice today."
"You should come watch, Ron and Lee are going too, you can sit with them." I looked over for a sense of approval from either of them. Lee nodded encouragingly, as though he wanted me to come which was nice because I didn't know if he saw ke as a friend or Fred and George's friend. I glanced over at Ron who gave no reaction and sighed quietly to myself. Harry nugged Ron and he instantly nodded, but no expression fell upon his pale face. I looked at Harry and smiled as a way of thanking him. He smiled back.
"Well if we are gonna go to practice we might want to go now, it starts in ten," Harry said. We all got up and grabbed our belongings. I looked at my books cover before placing it imbetween my arms. We walked out of the great hall, sticking in pairs. Me and Lee behind and Ron and Harry in front. There was a decent gap between us, making it feel like we weren't even walking together. Lee looked at me and sighed as though he could read my mind.
"Its not something your doing, Ron doesn't do well with people he isnt close with alot of the time," he said.
"But he just met Harry this year and he is fine with you guys."
"Only because him and Harry met on the train and had loads of time to talk and well ive been round rons house with Fred and George before." I sighed and nodded before sticking my head into a book, feeling the glare of rons eyes on my back.

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