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Prompt: Spencer comes home from work with a headache and you help him through it.

Relationship: dating for a couple months.

Another long case Spencer was sent away on. You sat down in his apartment, wearing one of his sweaters. He gave you an apartment key a couple weeks ago, telling you that you could come over whenever you want. Coming over when he was on a case always made you feel a little better. You missed him so much when he was away, so being in his home made it somewhat comforting without him.

You walked over to his bookshelf, using the tip of your finger to drag across the spines of the books. You grabbed one randomly, and sat back down on the couch, grabbing Spencer's favorite blanket.

You grabbed your reading glasses and started to get deep within the words.

A couple hours later, a call came from your phone. You walked into the kitchen to grab it and saw Spencer calling.

"Hey you." You smiled softly.

"Hey. We're getting on the jet now. I should be home in an hour and 18 minutes."

You giggled, loving how he knew exactly when he would be home, "Ok handsome. And hey before you go." You started, "You sound tense, everything ok?"

Spencer's voice turned into a whisper, "Yeah, my headaches are back and I'm currently having a bad one right now."

You bit your lip, "Ok, try to get some sleep on the plane, and if you can't just close your eyes for a little and relax. When you get back home, the apartment will be completely dark. Do you need anything else?" You rambled. You hated seeing him and pain and would do whatever you could to take it away. He always did the same for you too.

"Y/N, I don't know what I'd do without you." He sighed, "All I need is everything you just said and just you."

"And I will be here waiting for you. I love you."

"I love you too." And with that, you hung up the phone.

Since it was already night time, you only had to turn off the house lights and the Tv. You lit the fire and put some candles around the rest of the house.

You sat back down on the couch and started reading again.

You heard the keys start jiggling at the front door and you turned to see Spencer in sunglasses.

"Why does it have to be so bright in the lobby." He groaned, taking off his glasses and looking around.

"You are the best." he breathed out, running his hands through his hair, sitting down next to you.

You pulled him into a tight, loving hug, "I missed you." You whispered. He nodded in agree, laying down and putting his head in your lap.

"Do you want to talk about the case?" You asked gently, running your fingers through your hair.

"Maybe tomorrow morning. Hotch said I could have off."

You nodded, starting to rub his temples slowly.

He sighed, "Let's talk about you. What did you do while I was gone?"

"Well, I moved in here for the week." He chuckled at that and then you continued, "I got some groceries after work one day."

You sat and thought about something else you did, "Oh, so my editor told me that my book is looking really good and that it could possibly be a best seller!" You smiled down at him.

"Really! That's amazing." Spencer sat up and gave you a quick peck. You pulled him back and your lips collided.

"Sorry, I missed you." You shyly responded to your actions.

He laid back down on you lap, "You don't have to apologize for kissing me, Y/N."

A couple minutes later of silence, Spencer finally got up from your lap, "I think I'm gonna go to bed soon."

"Ok, let me just blow all these candles out and put the fire out and I'll go home." You sat up, folding the blanket and putting the book away.

"No, can you stay please." He frowned.

You nodded and started blowing out the candles and putting out the fire. You met Spencer in his bed and he put his head on your chest.

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